{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1475 matches)

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Results (1201 - 1300 of 1475)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1129 iOS 12.0.1 breaks OpenVPN Connect OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate Bug / Defect major yuriy 10/17/18
#1126 iOS 12 and 3.0.2 - enabling compression breaks connectivity OpenVPN Connect closed fixed-external Bug / Defect major yuriy 10/08/18
#1261 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major tct 12/07/22
#1362 Assertion failed at socket.c: 2719 (buf_defined(&sb->next)) caused by duplicate CN Generic / unclassified closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major tct 10/19/21
#1185 Server always pushes the first cipher of the ncp list to the client Generic / unclassified closed fixed Feature Wish major tct 08/31/20
#1334 Command line option to extract TLS-Crypt-v2 metadata from client key Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor tct 12/10/20
#1381 Deleting client's records easy-rsa closed notabug OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) User question minor tct 12/24/22
#1262 Problem with Build-key process easy-rsa closed notabug User question minor tct 12/21/22
#1217 --crl-verify crl 'dir' : 'dir' option and randomized certificate serial numbers Certificates closed notabug User question minor tct 10/19/21
#1191 --push-remove and --push-reset do not remove auth-token from PUSH data Documentation closed invalid User question minor tct 08/31/20
#847 Long lived crypto "state" client lock-up Crypto new OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 05/18/17
#967 Server not initializing Encrypt/Decrypt keys Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 12/14/17
#1166 Key renotiation blocks openvpn server process Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 12/23/22
#1289 Using x509-username-field Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 08/29/20
#911 interface mtu calculation in 2.4 significantly different from 2.3 Generic / unclassified accepted OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 07/20/17
#1040 Same problem of #897 apollo lake cpu Crypto new Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 03/17/18
#859 Client won't receive PUSH answer Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 06/03/19
#835 OpenVPN exits on fatal error with large tun-mtu Networking accepted OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Steffan Karger 01/30/17
#1315 "--tls-crypt-v2-verify script.sh" does not allow command arguments Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 08/17/20
#831 Crash on second client connection Crypto closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 04/26/18
#800 OpenVPN version 2.3.x and older do not check the CRL signature Certificates closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.9 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 06/11/17
#879 Two issues when reconnecting with 2.4.1 Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 05/09/17
#693 --management-external-key is broken since 2.3.3 Certificates closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.11 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 06/20/16
#685 Can't connect using client 2.3.11 Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.11 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 05/24/16
#1048 TLS error: The server has no TLS ciphersuites in common with the client. Your --tls-cipher setting might be too restrictive. Crypto closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.4.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Steffan Karger 04/01/21
#1038 OpenVPN-2.4.5 fails to build against libressl-2.6.4 due to bad ifdef check Crypto closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.4.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Steffan Karger 03/12/18
#845 set cipher for client in ccd Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Feature Wish major Steffan Karger 07/13/20
#1035 OpenVPN will hang with connected status in case of cipher mismatch Crypto closed wontfix OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Steffan Karger 04/20/21
#865 Improve performance with per session random component added to --reneg-sec intervals Crypto closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.1 (Community Ed) Patch submission major Steffan Karger 03/06/19
#790 man page update to --tls-auth for 2.4 Documentation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4_alpha2 (Community Ed) Patch submission minor Steffan Karger 12/26/16
#789 update for --ecdh-curve in man Documentation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4_alpha2 (Community Ed) Patch submission trivial Steffan Karger 12/25/16
#1375 Applying dhcp-option DOMAIN fails for wintun if domain contains hyphens ("-") Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major stipa 02/25/21
#1295 Windows 10 2004 breaks wintun driver Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major stipa 09/15/22
#1331 wintun does not support dhcp-option DOMAIN Generic / unclassified assigned Bug / Defect major stipa 12/21/22
#1398 wintun head/tail value is over capacity Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.5.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major stipa 12/07/22
#1462 Windows installer (MSI): Uninstall "Time remaining" counts up not down Generic / unclassified assigned Bug / Defect minor stipa 04/07/22
#1111 Use iserv to switch interface to DHCP Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major stipa 11/10/19
#1140 mssfix appears to be broken with NCP Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major stipa 11/06/19
#1256 Error building with --enable-async-push Building / Compiling closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor stipa 03/16/20
#1250 "Import file" fails to import critical files Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 02/06/20
#1253 Tray ToolTip does not display complete IP in Windows GUI Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Selva Nair 02/16/20
#958 OpenVPN client can't connect when using a password with special characters Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 06/21/22
#905 User cannot use openvpn Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 06/20/22
#1265 Strings truncated in Windows GUI Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 05/26/20
#1164 Options error: --pull-filter cannot be used with --mode server Windows GUI closed fixed Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 11/06/19
#1153 OpenVPN GUI tray icon does not initialize when using the —connect option Windows GUI closed notabug OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 01/28/19
#1203 OpenVPN-GUI hangs if openvpn --version exits abnormally Windows GUI closed fixed Bug / Defect minor Selva Nair 07/01/19
#1241 Windows: OpenVPN GUI does not show connection is not working Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Selva Nair 06/21/22
#1465 Double-click Tray icon to bring focus to credentials window if displayed Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.5.6 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Selva Nair 06/21/22
#1179 Forgot my password for OpenVPNGUI Windows GUI closed notabug User question major Selva Nair 11/10/19
#1178 Forgot password to Community OpenVPNGUI Windows GUI closed duplicate User question major Selva Nair 04/12/19
#811 Cannot launch OpenVPN GUI without admin privileges Windows GUI closed notabug OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) User question major Selva Nair 01/13/17
#1266 saved password associate with .ovpn file name Windows GUI closed wontfix OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) User question minor Selva Nair 12/30/20
#1269 tap-windows6: add an identifier to the inf file to make win7/win10 driver versions different tap-windows6 assigned Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 04/06/20
#860 community.openvpn.net unreachable via SMTP Community services assigned Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 01/01/23
#1235 Tap-windows version is not updated on Wiki Community services assigned Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 11/29/22
#1167 Windows installer signatured with wrong private key? Packaging closed fixed Bug / Defect critical Samuli Seppänen 11/10/19
#1089 Cannot use openvpn with config files under /home Packaging closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 12/22/22
#1225 ubuntu packaging missing dependency on 'file' Packaging closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 10/19/21
#798 certificate for tap-windows driver is outdated tap-windows closed notabug OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 09/27/20
#1171 unable to register due to plus sign in the mail address Community services closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 03/13/20
#916 build.openvpn.net unreachable via IPv6. breaking distro updates Community services closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 01/18/19
#852 SSL Certificate for community.openvpn.net expired Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 03/13/17
#813 Travis and Buildbot builds are broken due to MacOS X + cmocka issue Building / Compiling closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 01/26/17
#804 OpenVPNService can't restart on boot Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 01/05/17
#781 tap tap-windows6 closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.13 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 12/29/16
#754 HTTPS certificate missing intermediate/chain certificate Certificates closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 11/09/16
#213 OpenVPN GUI on 64-bit Windows (registry issue) Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 04/06/21
#1202 OpenVPN Interactive Service Windows working directory not accepted Community services closed notabug OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 06/19/19
#1238 trac can fail to email the reporter Community services closed moved Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 12/17/24
#741 Combined 32-bit and 64-bit Windows installers Installation closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish major Samuli Seppänen 11/30/16
#869 x86 binaries on x64 OS Installation closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.4.1 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Samuli Seppänen 12/22/22
#1309 OpenvpnSoftwareRepos Key Expired Packaging closed fixed TODO (General task list) minor Samuli Seppänen 07/29/20
#1216 Certificate via MI with OpenSSL 1.1.1 errors with "Unknown Padding Type" Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major plaisthos 10/21/20
#1478 Consider remove TLS 1.0/1.1, and recommend using TLS 1.3, if not possible for now, mark TLS 1.0/1.1 as insecure, remove TLS 1.0/1.1 in the future. Generic / unclassified assigned Feature Wish major plaisthos 12/03/22
#1479 Add support of X448 and X25519 key exchange algorithm, and prefer using X448/X25519 Crypto assigned Feature Wish major plaisthos 07/14/23
#1349 Client fails to connect with 2.5, succeeds with 2.4.9 OSS OpenVPN Clients closed notabug OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major plaisthos 11/26/21
#993 iOS: long sleep leaves tunnel Dead on v.1.2.6 OpenVPN Connect closed fixed OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.6 Bug / Defect blocker Antonio Quartulli 02/01/18
#955 OpenVPN Connect unable to connect to OpenVPN server OpenVPN Connect closed fixed 1.1.12 Bug / Defect blocker Antonio Quartulli 01/16/18
#999 iOS: app not routing entire VPN network OpenVPN Connect closed fixed OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.6 Bug / Defect critical Antonio Quartulli 01/31/18
#997 iOS: openVPN connect ios app disconnects from Windows RDP host every 9 sec OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.6 Bug / Defect critical Antonio Quartulli 01/18/18
#987 iOS: Transport Error still exists in version 1.2.6 OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.6 Bug / Defect critical Antonio Quartulli 01/18/18
#731 iOS 10 bug OpenVPN connect 1.0.7 OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme 1.0.7 Bug / Defect critical Antonio Quartulli 01/17/18
#1100 IPv6 tunnel preferences ignored Generic / unclassified closed wontfix Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 12/22/22
#1193 t_net.sh breaks Ubuntu buildslaves Building / Compiling closed fixed Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/30/20
#1136 crl-verify option does'nt work in chroot Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.4.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 10/29/18
#981 Android: The "connect" button does not work when changing the network OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme OpenVPN Connect for Android v1.1.27 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1026 iOS app no longer allowing Private Key password entry OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1041 Only Nist Curves are Supported OpenVPN Connect closed notabug OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1039 iOS: connection hang on insufficient buffer space available OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1052 iOS - disappearing login fields when trying to enter username/password OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1060 iOS connecting via settings unpossible; Via App is working OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1062 iOS: OpenVPN Connect crashes when viewing the log file OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1063 iOS: Authenticate/Decrypt packet error with 2.4.0 server OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1066 OpenVPN Connect will not connect via UDP OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1081 iOS: app crashes upon ?reconnection? OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1030 iOS: DNS is still not working over a tunnel with split DNS OpenVPN Connect closed notabug OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 04/05/18
#1042 Only Nist Curves are Supported OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 03/17/18
#1033 iOS: dhcp-option PROXY_HTTP(S) not working OpenVPN Connect closed notabug OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.9 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 03/06/18
#1007 iOS : OpenVPN Connect App 1.2.7 udp not working for ports besides 1194 OpenVPN Connect closed notabug OpenVPN Connect for iOS v1.2.7 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 02/28/18
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