{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1475 matches)

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Results (101 - 200 of 1475)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#533 openvpn should check the tap interface will work before even attempting server connection Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 09/27/20
#530 OpenVPN-GUI Dynamic client FQDN and cryptoapi certificate selection Windows GUI assigned OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Heiko Hund 05/28/15
#532 Misleading messages when trying to connect with an expired certificate Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 04/26/15
#475 OpenVPN 2.3.5 - few issues. Serious TAP adapter problems mostly. Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical Samuli Seppänen 11/14/14
#588 config.status: error: could not create version.sh Building / Compiling closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/04/20
#472 --enable-small is incompatible with some VPN providers Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/27/15
#511 cipher none generates an assert Crypto closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/03/15
#664 management interface missing source port for ipv6 addresses Management new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/18/18
#405 Use --cd in config causes instance to terminate on SIGHUP Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/28/15
#434 Config file parser can't handle CR linefeeds Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/28/15
#627 "learn-address delete" not executed Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/09/15
#465 Windows 64 installer (vista+) overwrite SYSTEM PATH instead of appending Installation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical Samuli Seppänen 04/12/17
#621 read from TUN/TAP : <Language-oriented error message> (code=995) Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical 12/08/15
#446 Incorrect spelling in Russian localization Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Heiko Hund 01/15/16
#493 Win2008 hangs after serveral OVPN start/stop cycles with TAP interface tap-windows closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/27/15
#453 TAP broken with 2.3.4-i003 Win7/Win8/Srv2008R2 client AND server tap-windows closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/27/15
#441 NDIS6 driver: route set, but interface not used tap-windows6 closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 05/27/15
#440 errors when resuming from hibernation Generic / unclassified closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/27/15
#539 Killing a client instance with colon in cn not possible Management closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/26/15
#444 openvpnsrv.exe not detecting death of openvpn.exe Generic / unclassified closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/09/14
#426 OpenVPN x64 version appears to cause slow Vuze loading Generic / unclassified closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/14/14
#464 I'm new to this and I have a problem. Access Server closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/17/14
#433 TAP from 2.3.4 not working + weird config parse errors as cause Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/19/14
#401 OpenVPN 2.3.4 client fails when server uses tls-version-minimum 1.2 when 2.3.3 works fine Generic / unclassified closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/07/14
#429 tcp-nodelay in client causes assertion failure Configuration closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 07/11/14
#423 /etc/init.d/openvpn relies on current directory in $PATH Configuration closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Gert Döring 07/08/14
#421 Inline CRL Generic / unclassified closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Feature Wish trivial 08/22/16
#404 client-to-client with ipv6 IPv6 closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/28/15
#437 systemd: cannot enter password on stdin as client Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/14/14
#352 'keepalive' reconnect fails if 'remote' is specified with hostname from /etc/hosts file. Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/29/21
#558 problem after server restart - client doesn't accept new ip Networking new OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/28/19
#346 Set tap device link status based on openvpn connection state Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 05/17/18
#322 OpenVPN 2.3.2 TAP won't install start today on Windows64bit Installation closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical 08/22/13
#336 --port-share doesn't work from 2.3.0 release Generic / unclassified closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Gert Döring 09/09/20
#316 Windows 8 issue: TUN/TAP adapter does not start Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/05/18
#471 Segfault when starting Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/31/14
#470 Segfault when starting Generic / unclassified closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/31/14
#315 OpenVPN gets killed after Remote Desktop session disconnect Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/05/13
#436 Management interface crashes with --tun-ipv6 on Windows Management closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/21/22
#369 IPv6 info wrong/missing in scripts environment. IPv6 closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Gert Döring 09/08/20
#320 "Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter" doesn't exist anymore Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor JoshC 03/07/19
#372 auth-user-pass-verify passes an empty trailing arg plug-ins / plug-in API closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 06/08/18
#492 Param ping-restart needs dev Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/10/16
#358 --tls-cipher will accept values openvpn cannot use Configuration closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/17/15
#338 down-root plugin does not adhere to environment contract specified for scripts plug-ins / plug-in API closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor David Sommerseth 11/24/14
#266 cannot install TAP driver on windows 7 tap-windows closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 12/02/13
#337 --sock-proxy documentation should mention authfile argument Documentation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/20/13
#317 verify-x509-name in config file doesn`t work with spaces Configuration closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 08/19/13
#371 manpage speaks of the ifconfig tool Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect trivial 02/07/14
#394 OpenVPN GUI shouldn't (always) error when already running Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Heiko Hund 10/11/18
#347 Reporting tap interface speed Generic / unclassified closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 01/11/14
#131 client management interface user authentication abort inconsistency Management new OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/25/22
#278 OpenVPN client fail to connect to server because of invalid temp path Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical 12/05/13
#297 unable to create a tunnel over UDP Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical Gert Döring 05/30/13
#289 ip address isn't set on TAP device / TAP device not coming up on Windows 8 Networking closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/08/14
#329 Use execvpe() for calling network tools Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/17/13
#299 Error in file checking with "chroot" option enabled Generic / unclassified closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/15/13
#305 configure script fails with static openssl libraries Building / Compiling closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/23/13
#288 v2.3.1/IPv6 with proto tcp6 fails to launch; proto udp6 is OK. IPv6 closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/21/13
#286 OpenVPN does not load the GUI correctly on Windows GUI closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/30/13
#294 OpenVPN 2.3.1 consuming tremendous CPU resources on OpenBSD Generic / unclassified closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 06/29/20
#284 Add --up-pre with the same functionality as --down-pre Generic / unclassified closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor JoshC 04/27/18
#300 Replace OpenVPN GUI with OpenVPN MI GUI in the Windows version Windows GUI closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 06/11/13
#296 openvpn packages for Debian Wheezy Packaging closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Feature Wish trivial 11/19/13
#312 default gw gets stripped from dhcp packets that go over a openvpn bridge Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Patch submission major 08/06/13
#665 Route: Waiting for TUN/TAP interface to come up... Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/06/17
#668 route_vpn_gateway environment variable not set when no routes pushed Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/16/22
#670 Fatal error: Assertion failed at misc.c:785 (es) Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/15/20
#663 Debian packages : same {name,version,arch} but different content Packaging closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 10/25/16
#659 NCSI reports No Internet with block-outside-dns Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/10/16
#661 "TUN/TAP I/O operation aborted, exiting" only on Windows 7 64bits client tap-windows6 closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/22/16
#258 segfault after extracting dhcp gateway Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Gert Döring 05/18/13
#263 OpenVPN 2.3.0 disconnect issue when using tcp-server Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/12/13
#172 NTLM auth does not work with SQUID proxy server Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Gert Döring 03/07/13
#262 VERIFY X509NAME ERROR TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error 14090086 Configuration closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/19/13
#112 Undocumented option: --push-continuation Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2-beta / 2.2-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/07/11
#102 2.2 RC crashes when attempting to PKCS12 key password Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2-beta / 2.2-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/09/11
#72 new config flag: --silence-management : Do not log management access at all Management closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.2-beta / 2.2-RC (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 01/12/14
#595 Failed to auto startup in Win10 Generic / unclassified assigned OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 12/29/16
#386 Cryptoapicert SUBJ: selector doc Documentation new OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/21/22
#680 Testing spam filters Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 02/05/22
#679 spam Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/30/16
#658 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#657 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#656 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#655 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#652 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#653 spam Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/27/16
#650 spam Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/26/16
#625 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/02/15
#620 Spam Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/20/15
#445 emails from this bugtracker get tagged as SPAM Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 05/18/15
#229 easy-rsa: failed to update database > TXT_DB error number 2 easy-rsa closed wontfix OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Eric Crist 05/07/15
#207 Windows 7 x64: KB2688338 affect the TAP interface Generic / unclassified closed worksforme OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/07/15
#548 Amazon SES test ticket Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/05/15
#442 While in UDP mode server responds on different IP than request Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/28/15
#504 Routing table change should either be complete, or not change at all Generic / unclassified closed duplicate OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/26/15
#508 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/26/15
#506 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/26/15
#487 spam Generic / unclassified closed spam OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/26/15
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