{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1475 matches)

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(empty) (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#469 Outdated copyright notices in some files Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 11/29/22
#667 OpenVPN's OpenSSL backend does not support certificate chain pushed from server Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/11/21
#541 [openbsd] openvpn 2.3.6 segfault when dns resolving fails Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/19/19
#320 "Add a new TAP-Windows virtual ethernet adapter" doesn't exist anymore Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor JoshC 03/07/19
#534 Have to reinstall Tap driver every time I restart windows (Windows 7 64Bit) tap-windows closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Samuli Seppänen 09/02/16
#462 Systemd unit file shall depend on network-online target Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor David Sommerseth 06/28/16
#593 mssfix code is slow Networking closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/23/15
#165 GUI: broken log encoding on non-english Windows Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/31/14
#274 check_systemd_running() test needs to be more precise Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 10/30/14
#423 /etc/init.d/openvpn relies on current directory in $PATH Configuration closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Gert Döring 07/08/14
#148 "socks_handshake: server asked for username/login auth but we were not provided any credentials" Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 04/13/14
#337 --sock-proxy documentation should mention authfile argument Documentation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/20/13
#113 Partially implemented --push-peer-info option Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3-beta / 2.3-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/17/13
#106 option --register-dns does not work in conjunction with --win-sys Configuration closed fixed OpenVPN 2.1.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor David Sommerseth 10/25/12
#202 easy-rsa/whichopensslcnf does not detect openssl 1.0.1 correctly Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Eric Crist 10/17/12
#217 2.3-alpha2 : not compiling with "--disable-management" Building / Compiling closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3-beta / 2.3-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 07/06/12
#669 Spelling error in Russian l10n Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 08/29/16
#494 OpenVPN GUI does not use file association handlers for log viewing & config editing Windows GUI closed fixed Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 08/17/16
#467 Typographical inconsistency in easy-rsa easy-rsa closed fixed easyrsa-2.x Bug / Defect trivial Eric Crist 05/26/15
#381 slight bug in howto (--type) Documentation closed fixed Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 11/15/14
#198 Invalid "-days" argument to openssl req in pkitool Certificates closed fixed easyrsa-2.x Bug / Defect trivial Eric Crist 11/09/13
#254 Spelling error in translated error message [i18n: nl] Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3-beta / 2.3-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect trivial 03/25/13
#304 List or indicator of supported tls/ciphers/hashes Crypto closed fixed Feature Wish major Steffan Karger 05/17/15
#490 System configured PKCS#11 modules are not available Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish major Steffan Karger 12/27/14
#435 rampant retries can nail openvpn servers Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 11/28/19
#394 OpenVPN GUI shouldn't (always) error when already running Windows GUI closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Heiko Hund 10/11/18
#251 dhcp-option 252 on iOS OpenVPN Connect closed fixed Feature Wish minor 05/04/15
#296 openvpn packages for Debian Wheezy Packaging closed fixed OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Feature Wish trivial 11/19/13
#8 MacOSX Keychain Certificate support Crypto closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Patch submission minor 05/05/15
#149 /30 rewrite Documentation closed fixed OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Patch submission trivial krzee king 05/26/15
#271 Port SVN r8206 ("Added support for the Snappy compression algorithm...") to Git master Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) TODO (General task list) major Samuli Seppänen 01/08/14
#268 Port SVN r8225 ("On the client, allow certain peer info fields...") to Git master Generic / unclassified closed fixed OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) TODO (General task list) major Gert Döring 05/27/13
#187 web documentation link missing 2.2 links Documentation closed fixed TODO (General task list) minor Samuli Seppänen 11/16/13
#559 Docs/external-links: dead link Documentation closed fixed TODO (General task list) trivial 08/22/16
#374 problem reading smart card. Generic / unclassified closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.2.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/21/22
#583 Up and down scripts need to be informed of tun-ipv6 setting Generic / unclassified closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/27/20
#537 Local user storage (sqlite3) uses SHA256 for user passwords Access Server closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.0.x (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 06/21/19
#436 Management interface crashes with --tun-ipv6 on Windows Management closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/21/22
#369 IPv6 info wrong/missing in scripts environment. IPv6 closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Gert Döring 09/08/20
#546 Access Server Initialization Script Fails when Admin Account Exists as a Group Access Server closed fixed-external OpenVPN 2.0.x (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor jamesyonan 06/21/19
#48 Convert the OpenVPN man-page to DocBookXML format Documentation closed fixed-external OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 12/21/22
#283 Small improvements to RHEL init script Packaging closed fixed-external OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor Samuli Seppänen 08/22/16
#565 OpenVPN caused kernel panic on Mac OS X 10.10.3 OpenVPN Connect closed invalid Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 01/20/18
#335 OpenVPN for iOS 1.0.1 route pull not working correctly OpenVPN Connect closed invalid Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 01/16/18
#661 "TUN/TAP I/O operation aborted, exiting" only on Windows 7 64bits client tap-windows6 closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/22/16
#612 OpenVPN 2.3.8 topology subnet on FreeBSD 8.4 and 10.2 platform not normal operation Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/11/15
#566 upon reconnect, OpenVPN removes routes it did not create Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/16/15
#527 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/10/15
#514 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/06/15
#520 SPAM Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/06/15
#499 چطورکارمیکنه؟ Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/03/15
#416 Android: connecting but not transferring data Generic / unclassified closed invalid 1.1.14 Bug / Defect major 12/28/14
#476 Get Rapid Fat Loss With Lipo 13 Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/07/14
#464 I'm new to this and I have a problem. Access Server closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/17/14
#433 TAP from 2.3.4 not working + weird config parse errors as cause Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/19/14
#286 OpenVPN does not load the GUI correctly on Windows GUI closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/30/13
#98 occasional message flood to server Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/04/13
#191 Test ticket Community services closed invalid Bug / Defect major 01/16/12
#33 openvpn client cannot load certificate using "THUMB" Certificates closed invalid OpenVPN 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/24/11
#112 Undocumented option: --push-continuation Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2-beta / 2.2-RC (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/07/11
#492 Param ping-restart needs dev Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/10/16
#606 Adding and removing Route error on Win 10 Workstation OpenVPN 2.3.8 Networking closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 02/06/16
#262 VERIFY X509NAME ERROR TLS_ERROR: BIO read tls_read_plaintext error 14090086 Configuration closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/19/13
#344 init-script only starts the first interface on restart Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 11/17/13
#317 verify-x509-name in config file doesn`t work with spaces Configuration closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 08/19/13
#134 Font Size Is Too Small Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/16/11
#353 Need some help Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect spam 12/10/13
#215 port-share process hangs if there's alot of traffic over it Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.1.2 / 2.1.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect trivial 11/19/13
#86 [win32/win64] push "dhcp-option DOMAIN" adds suffix to the tun adapter Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.1.4 (Community Ed) Feature Wish major 02/14/11
#312 default gw gets stripped from dhcp packets that go over a openvpn bridge Generic / unclassified closed invalid OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Patch submission major 08/06/13
#3 Testing bayesian spam filtering Community services closed invalid TODO (General task list) major Samuli Seppänen 06/12/10
#378 DNS push not working on iOS7 OpenVPN Connect closed notabug Bug / Defect blocker 08/29/14
#156 openvpn: write UDPv4: No buffer space available (code=55) Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect blocker 02/07/13
#503 iOS app sending OCC_EXIT, server process terminated Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/09/23
#460 EC key exchange not working OpenVPN Connect closed notabug 1.1.14 Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 01/17/18
#579 issue with routing on windows client Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/10/16
#602 Buffer size bug Networking closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/15/15
#366 CPage error in CLogin/locateChild Access Server closed notabug OpenVPN 2.0.x (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 10/12/15
#332 OpenVPN iOS: PolarSSL fail to verify modern certificate chain OpenVPN Connect closed notabug Bug / Defect major 08/18/15
#598 v2.3.8 :: No IPv6-only tunnel is working without IPv4 address space defined Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/18/15
#589 Error during 'make' in file 'crypto_openssl.c', 'ssl_verify_openssl.c', etc Building / Compiling closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/05/15
#472 --enable-small is incompatible with some VPN providers Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.5 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/27/15
#448 Android client needs ability to change default directory from "sdcard" Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major plaisthos 05/27/15
#550 crl-verify not recognized in server config, but accepted as command line. Certificates closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/11/15
#529 OpenVPN client hangs system at SIGINT Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/28/15
#442 While in UDP mode server responds on different IP than request Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/28/15
#404 client-to-client with ipv6 IPv6 closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/28/15
#418 ovpn profile import fails with "line too long" error OpenVPN Connect closed notabug 1.1.14 Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 11/15/14
#431 AD Login Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 07/31/14
#379 Driver issues between TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 and Marvell AVASTAR 350N Wireless Network Controller Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/24/14
#256 Can't establish connection to the server with more then 1 DNS OpenVPN Connect closed notabug Bug / Defect major 01/08/14
#329 Use execvpe() for calling network tools Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.3.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/17/13
#58 common_name is blank in client-connect script Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/07/13
#50 Missing quotes and path check in easy-rsa batch files Certificates closed notabug OpenVPN 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Eric Crist 02/07/13
#117 possible memory leak Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.1.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/03/12
#104 DNS sometime not working in Windows Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.1.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/03/12
#100 UDP sockets do not have the close on exec flag Networking closed notabug OpenVPN 2.0.x (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/03/12
#76 Using port-share causes high CPU Generic / unclassified closed notabug OpenVPN 2.1.0 / 2.1.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/05/12
#162 Please reduce password strength requirements on website Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major 11/10/11
#142 OpenVPN 2.2 executes user-defined "up" script even when server is down Configuration closed notabug OpenVPN 2.2.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 06/03/11
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