{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1475 matches)

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Results (1401 - 1475 of 1475)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

(empty) (75 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1270 OpenVPN-Server crash "Assertion failed at ssl.c:1944" Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major 09/09/20
#1193 t_net.sh breaks Ubuntu buildslaves Building / Compiling closed fixed Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/30/20
#1315 "--tls-crypt-v2-verify script.sh" does not allow command arguments Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 08/17/20
#1311 OpenVPN verses Windows Registry DNS Parameters Generic / unclassified closed invalid Bug / Defect major 07/30/20
#1292 Openvpn client 3.2.0 fails to connect parser_cert_crl_error Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major 06/17/20
#1285 OpenVPN Connect Android client fails to import profile. OpenVPN Connect closed fixed Bug / Defect major yuriy 06/15/20
#1273 connect error 10054 Access Server closed notabug Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 05/16/20
#1171 unable to register due to plus sign in the mail address Community services closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 03/13/20
#1236 Connection Refused when port sharing local requests Networking closed invalid Bug / Defect major 11/28/19
#1111 Use iserv to switch interface to DHCP Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major stipa 11/10/19
#1148 OpenVPN Server: BGP Router: wrong ARP lookups Networking closed notabug Bug / Defect major 11/10/19
#1140 mssfix appears to be broken with NCP Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major stipa 11/06/19
#1164 Options error: --pull-filter cannot be used with --mode server Windows GUI closed fixed Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 11/06/19
#1162 Unable to start OpenVPN-AS on Desktop Ubuntu 18.04 due to absence of ifconfig/net-tools Access Server closed fixed-external Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 06/21/19
#1133 AS 2.5.2 User Permissions page deletes passwords on any Save Access Server closed wontfix Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 06/21/19
#1027 Trouble with TAP-windows adapter Access Server closed duplicate Bug / Defect major jamesyonan 06/21/19
#1165 Can't import .ovpn profile on Android and iOS with 16384b RSA Key. Generic / unclassified closed wontfix Bug / Defect major 03/12/19
#916 build.openvpn.net unreachable via IPv6. breaking distro updates Community services closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 01/18/19
#1137 OpenVPN Connect Not Working after IOS Update Generic / unclassified closed duplicate Bug / Defect major 10/31/18
#1129 iOS 12.0.1 breaks OpenVPN Connect OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate Bug / Defect major yuriy 10/17/18
#1126 iOS 12 and 3.0.2 - enabling compression breaks connectivity OpenVPN Connect closed fixed-external Bug / Defect major yuriy 10/08/18
#1117 TLS 1.3 --tls-cipher does not assign specified TLS cipher Generic / unclassified closed duplicate Bug / Defect major 09/25/18
#1062 iOS: OpenVPN Connect crashes when viewing the log file OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1063 iOS: Authenticate/Decrypt packet error with 2.4.0 server OpenVPN Connect closed worksforme Bug / Defect major Antonio Quartulli 08/04/18
#1069 Multiple remote entries not working Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major 06/22/18
#1067 incorrect work of vpn on iOS Generic / unclassified closed wontfix Bug / Defect major 06/19/18
#979 Bug in OpenVPN Connect 1.2.5 on IOS OpenVPN Connect closed fixed Bug / Defect major 01/18/18
#995 iOS: dhcp-option PROXY_AUTO_CONFIG_URL not working OpenVPN Connect closed duplicate Bug / Defect major 01/18/18
#975 OpenVPN and torrents Generic / unclassified closed notabug Bug / Defect major 01/05/18
#948 2.3.18 Windows installer (vista+) overwrites system-path-variable Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major 10/26/17
#852 SSL Certificate for community.openvpn.net expired Generic / unclassified closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 03/13/17
#754 HTTPS certificate missing intermediate/chain certificate Certificates closed fixed Bug / Defect major Samuli Seppänen 11/09/16
#1095 iOS: Log file date printed wrong (minutes displayed as a month). OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1109 OpenVPN import OVPN profile on iOS OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1163 Text size change not handled correctly OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1198 iOS: OpenVPN Connect: logging using incorrect date format intermittently OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1199 MacOS: OpenVPN Connect: configuration 'tls-auth' not working as expected OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1204 OpenVPN Connect 3.0.0 (272) client can't accept server-pushed [compressor] OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1251 iPhone OpenVPN app - TLS Errors when screen is locked Access Server closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor OpenVPN Inc. 12/21/22
#1211 Setting "tls-version-min" with its default value behaves differently from not setting it at all Documentation closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor 02/20/22
#1059 Out of Memory caused by --mlock at --reneg-sec with EC cert Documentation closed fixed Bug / Defect minor 03/07/21
#1203 OpenVPN-GUI hangs if openvpn --version exits abnormally Windows GUI closed fixed Bug / Defect minor Selva Nair 07/01/19
#1135 AS 2.5.2 PAM confusion on ovpn-init and Access Server Access Server closed wontfix Bug / Defect minor jamesyonan 06/21/19
#1115 iOS client log file has error in timestamps OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Bug / Defect trivial OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1220 OpenVPN Connect v3 on Windows should have option to start on startup OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Feature Wish major OpenVPN Inc. 12/22/22
#1400 Mobile: schedule to automatically disconnect OpenVPN Generic / unclassified closed wontfix Feature Wish major OpenVPN Inc. 12/21/22
#1404 Client Hello should contain SNI Generic / unclassified closed wontfix Feature Wish major 12/07/22
#1227 iOS: OpenVPN Connect 3.0.3 ignoring "allow-pull-fqdn" OpenVPN Connect closed wontfix Feature Wish major OpenVPN Inc. 02/01/22
#1317 openVPN push-peer-info Generic / unclassified closed notabug Feature Wish major 10/19/21
#1185 Server always pushes the first cipher of the ncp list to the client Generic / unclassified closed fixed Feature Wish major tct 08/31/20
#1263 Invalid base address in "server" line causes openvpn to fail to start. Should be avoidable Generic / unclassified closed worksforme Feature Wish major 08/29/20
#1212 Feature request - Import config from URL Generic / unclassified closed invalid Feature Wish major 09/06/19
#974 implement support for wolfSSL Crypto closed fixed-external Feature Wish minor Antonio Quartulli 12/28/20
#943 iOS: Split screen support is needed for Openvpn connect OpenVPN Connect closed notabug Feature Wish minor 12/28/20
#942 iOS: client needs drag and drop support for importing config files .ovpn OpenVPN Connect closed notabug Feature Wish minor 12/28/20
#1323 When using No CA mode (--peer-fingerprint) allow an external file list of fingerprints Generic / unclassified closed notabug Feature Wish minor 10/14/20
#1168 OpenVPN AMIs in AWS should use AWS NTP server by default Access Server closed wontfix Feature Wish minor jamesyonan 06/21/19
#1131 2 factor auth by sending key to messager (Threema, WhatApp)? Access Server closed fixed-external Feature Wish minor jamesyonan 06/21/19
#946 Remote CRL Generic / unclassified closed notabug Feature Wish minor 02/22/18
#1456 Testing email sending Generic / unclassified closed fixed TODO (General task list) major 09/19/22
#724 Try to export SF.net mail archives to mail-archive.com Generic / unclassified closed fixed TODO (General task list) major David Sommerseth 09/18/16
#1417 Remove dyndns from user manual Generic / unclassified closed fixed TODO (General task list) minor 11/18/21
#1309 OpenvpnSoftwareRepos Key Expired Packaging closed fixed TODO (General task list) minor Samuli Seppänen 07/29/20
#1172 Certificate failed easy-rsa closed notabug User question critical Eric Crist 01/06/20
#1473 VPN connection didn't became as default gateway by default Generic / unclassified closed notabug User question major 08/10/22
#785 Username with space, error message Generic / unclassified closed notabug User question major 11/19/19
#1179 Forgot my password for OpenVPNGUI Windows GUI closed notabug User question major Selva Nair 11/10/19
#1178 Forgot password to Community OpenVPNGUI Windows GUI closed duplicate User question major Selva Nair 04/12/19
#1174 Account Deletion Generic / unclassified closed wontfix User question major 04/01/19
#1262 Problem with Build-key process easy-rsa closed notabug User question minor tct 12/21/22
#1217 --crl-verify crl 'dir' : 'dir' option and randomized certificate serial numbers Certificates closed notabug User question minor tct 10/19/21
#1424 --client-disconnect executes after failed --client-connect Generic / unclassified closed notabug User question minor 08/23/21
#1312 Fate of the packet filter ? Generic / unclassified closed fixed User question minor 02/16/21
#1191 --push-remove and --push-reset do not remove auth-token from PUSH data Documentation closed invalid User question minor tct 08/31/20
#1307 Allow --tls-exit to be used in a <connection> block Configuration closed worksforme User question trivial 07/25/20
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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