{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (1475 matches)

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Results (1401 - 1475 of 1475)

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(empty) (75 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#881 OpenVPN v2.4 breaks --status formatting of client IP:port on FreeBSD Networking new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/01/17
#951 learn-address script should have dev env variable defined for delete too Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 10/31/17
#1471 State stuck at AUTH after reneg failure and recovery Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.5.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/07/23
#973 restart network adapter leads to "AUTH_FAILED" Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect major 01/04/18
#1146 Error in add_block_dns_filters(): FwpEngineOpen: open fwp session failed : In der Endpunktzuordnung sind keine weiteren Endpunkte verfügbar. [status=0x6d9] Networking new OpenVPN 2.4.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/06/20
#1004 VPN routes stay intact when changed local network but can't reconnect to VPN from that new local network Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect major 02/04/18
#543 Packets are sent in wrong order via TCP breaking HMAC verificytion Networking new OpenVPN 2.3.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/01/23
#1070 IPv6 packet received by L2 client breaks MAC mapping? Networking new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/04/18
#1391 Commas in commonName conflict with status_open files like --ifconfig-pool-persist and --status Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/16/21
#1215 No PIN prompt for PKCS#11 Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 01/15/22
#910 Browsers' domain name resolution is not done through VPN if GUI wasn't started with "Run as adminitstator" Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 07/19/17
#1329 starting a server instance a second time (failing) messes up routing for the first instance Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 06/16/21
#964 connection fails when VirtualBox is installed Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect major 12/07/17
#967 Server not initializing Encrypt/Decrypt keys Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 12/14/17
#965 openvpn fails on reconnect when server is restarted Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/20/17
#972 openvpn-gui does not show login/password window on "verb 30" Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect major 01/01/18
#1040 Same problem of #897 apollo lake cpu Crypto new Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 03/17/18
#962 /etc/openvpn does not support symlinks anymore Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect major 12/17/21
#837 HKCU\Software\OpenVPN-GUI is deleted if "version" key is missing Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/20/17
#855 openvpn should check that there's a working TAP before even attempting to create a tunnel Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.9 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/13/17
#895 Connection not restored after network change Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 05/26/17
#1437 Documentation for --client-nat is wrong Documentation new OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/04/22
#1005 Chain CA fails with 1.2.6 Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/22/22
#878 Route: Waiting for TUN/TAP interface to come up... Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/01/17
#1440 Problem reconnecting when dynamic challenge and password file are used. Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.5.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 12/22/22
#856 Missing port in "status 2" management in "Real Address" field (under ipv6 config) IPv6 new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/15/17
#953 Dual-Stack Server with tls-auth has errors when IPv6 clients connect IPv6 new OpenVPN 2.4.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/26/18
#1289 Using x509-username-field Crypto new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 08/29/20
#687 SIGTERM (soft) lost if followed by a SIGUSR1/SIGHUP restart during the exit-notify wait Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 07/14/16
#1242 Dropped Packages on Windows Server 2012 with routing enabled Networking new OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 04/01/21
#744 Automatic restarting the VPN connection fails, if smartcard authentication is used Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.12 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 11/09/16
#847 Long lived crypto "state" client lock-up Crypto new OpenVPN 2.3.10 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Steffan Karger 05/18/17
#914 user flag does not kill root Management new OpenVPN 2.4.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/06/17
#929 remember password is nonfunctional Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 08/26/17
#1250 "Import file" fails to import critical files Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.8 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major Selva Nair 02/06/20
#838 Don't ignore HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OpenVPN-GUI. Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 02/20/17
#937 Socket option "IPV6_V6ONLY=0" not allowed on DragonFlyBSD and OpenBSD IPv6 new OpenVPN 2.4.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/23/17
#857 Connection attempt from Windows client causes server computer network lockup for SSH connections. Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 03/22/17
#1253 Tray ToolTip does not display complete IP in Windows GUI Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor Selva Nair 02/16/20
#1482 openvpn 2.4.7 with auth-user-pass-optional breaks auth-gen-token Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/03/22
#1468 non-ascii utf8 character in verify-x509-name Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.5.6 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 03/16/23
#901 Windows 10 starts a NON-admin cmd when using "Explorer > Start OpenVPN on this config file .." Generic / unclassified new Bug / Defect minor 06/06/17
#1447 Cannot reauthenticate clients using auth-token with management-client-auth Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.5.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 02/04/22
#1205 inline login and password with NTLM squid + samba proxy Networking new OpenVPN 2.4.7 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 08/30/20
#892 Windows 10 64-bit - OpenVPN 2.4.2-I601 - Registry query failure in event log Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/22/17
#871 DHCP gateway stripping does not remove DHCP option 121 routes Networking new OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 05/05/17
#970 "error=unsupported certificate purpose" when building with OpenSSL 1.1.0 Certificates new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/29/17
#1155 openvpn_plugin_func_v3 version documentation disagrees with code plug-ins / plug-in API new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/22/22
#908 inconsistent handling of password string input with LF at the end Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.3 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 12/15/17
#1374 Device name needs quoting in script arguments Configuration new OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 02/16/21
#934 Client cannot connect using IPv6 transport IPv6 new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 10/08/19
#971 "management tunnel <port>" ignores port Management new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 06/15/21
#1485 Saving PIN for OpenVPN client Configuration new OpenVPN 2.5.7 (Community Ed) Feature Wish major 11/20/22
#978 HMAC authentication failed error message lacking IP address Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.4.4 (Community Ed) Feature Wish major 01/11/18
#925 Encrypted Backend Management Interface Management new OpenVPN 2.3.13 (Community Ed) Feature Wish major 09/15/17
#388 Should be able to use crypto API (windows) for CA certificate(s) Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 08/05/20
#932 Update from the OpenVPN GUI Windows GUI new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 08/31/17
#1298 feature wish: extend Linux VRF support to other OSes Networking new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 07/21/20
#1481 Please support `inactive` in `<connection>` Configuration new Feature Wish minor 12/03/22
#866 Allow to disable Username and Password save Windows GUI new OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 04/27/19
#1286 Add option for the filename with pkcs11 token pin (password) Generic / unclassified new Feature Wish minor 06/07/20
#1371 Allow TLS-Crypt-V2 keys to be password protected Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.5.0 (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor 01/05/21
#815 UUID via environment for each session Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish minor David Sommerseth 07/10/22
#782 Expose connection info to up/down scripts via additional env variables Generic / unclassified new Feature Wish minor 12/02/16
#721 tap-windows6: Implement option to disable source IP check of ARP requests tap-windows6 new Patch submission major Gert Döring 08/16/16
#894 (v)s(n)printf hardening Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.2.2 (Community Ed) Patch submission major 04/05/19
#949 Forward Error Correction for OpenVPN Generic / unclassified new TODO (General task list) major 02/02/22
#756 Allow binding to --local interface Generic / unclassified new OpenVPN 2.3.4 (Community Ed) User question minor 03/04/23
#1018 OpenVPN Trademark violation by Mikrotik Generic / unclassified new User question minor 02/19/18
#1416 BSOD on Windows 10 with OpenVPN 2.5.x Generic / unclassified reopened OpenVPN 2.5.1 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect critical 12/07/22
#712 connection issue with PKCS#11 support Generic / unclassified reopened OpenVPN 2.3.11 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect major 09/22/16
#1463 Script security warnings - Revisit code and decide WARN or Note ? Generic / unclassified reopened Bug / Defect major 05/24/22
#858 radiusplugin: The server stop responding (std::out_of_range) Generic / unclassified reopened OpenVPN 2.4.0 (Community Ed) Bug / Defect minor 09/21/23
#1238 trac can fail to email the reporter Community services reopened Bug / Defect trivial Samuli Seppänen 04/02/24
#1189 regarding unpriv-ip command Generic / unclassified reopened Patch submission major 09/01/20
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