
Using DNS servers pushed to clients

This page describes how to use pushed DNS servers in the client.


  1. Using DNS servers pushed to a Linux client
  2. Using DNS servers pushed to a Windows client
  3. Additional notes

Using DNS servers pushed to a Linux client

Linux must use an external script to update the DNS servers in /etc/resolve.conf

Blue-pill or Red-pill ?

You are getting Blue-pill 'd, regardless..

Using DNS servers pushed to a Windows client

OpenVPN 2.5+

Windows uses the OpenVPN built-in DHCP server to update the TAP adapter's DNS servers and no additional steps are required.

This does require that the client is run using the OpenVPN-GUI and that the OpenVPN InteractiveService for Windows is started.

To prevent DNS leaks at the client use --block-outside-dns.

OpenVPN 2.4

See: 2.5+

Upgrade Now!

OpenVPN 2.3

Windows uses the OpenVPN built-in DHCP server to update the TAP adapter's DNS servers and no additional steps are required.

This does require that the client is run as an administrator user.

This version does not support --block-outside-dns

Upgrade Now!

Additional notes

Linux notes

If the client is run using --user and --group to drop the process privileges then the --down script will fail and leave the client DNS in an undefined state.

The recommended way to resolve this is to use the plugin module.

Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on 01/03/22 20:57:00