Opened 15 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#6 closed Feature Wish (fixed)

VLAN-Tagging (Pull Request)

Reported by: David Sommerseth Owned by: Antonio Quartulli
Priority: blocker Milestone: release 2.5
Component: Networking Version:
Severity: Not set (select this one, unless your'e a OpenVPN developer) Keywords:


This patch set is available via the 'feat_vlan_tagging' branch in openvpn-testing.git for review. It is not merged into allmerged at the moment. It needs an ACK to take that step. The branch will be rebuilt based on a better branch from Fabian Knittel in the near future - and before a merge into allmerged.

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by fknittel

Unfortunately, the patch has gathered some cobwebs. I'm still very interested in getting the VLAN support into a form that is acceptable for official inclusion, but I've seriously lacked the time to work on this. Hopefully after my next exam things will be different ...

The current state is available from our unofficial branch. It has been in nearly-production use in two locations for several months now, so at least our specific use-cases appear to work nicely.

Things that need to be done:

  • Rebase the branch on top of the current master (and check whether that's what the OpenVPN devs want).
  • Throw out anything that we're not currently using (i.e. stream-line the configuration options).
  • Create and document a simple test setup (and check whether the OpenVPN devs have any existing setups that could be adapted).
  • Convince others to perform the tests so that the patches can be acked.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by David Sommerseth

Owner: set to fknittel
Status: newassigned

This can certainly be considered in v2.4 ... so if still interesting, catching up on the current 'master' branch is certainly a good idea.

comment:3 Changed 9 years ago by Gert Döring

This has been lying around for quite a bit - it was "bubbled up" by a user who wants to have it, mentioning it in (just for reference).

This is still interesting, to me at least, but priorization needs to be done and there are bits we consider important to a larger number of users that should go in first - but as it's here in trac, it won't be totally forgotten.

comment:4 Changed 6 years ago by Antonio Quartulli

Milestone: release 2.5
Owner: changed from fknittel to Gert Döring
Priority: majorblocker
Severity: Patch Queue: New / awaiting ACKNot set (select this one, unless your'e a OpenVPN developer)
Type: Patch submissionFeature Wish
Version: OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed)

The PR behind this feature wish was posted here:

Dev effort has been recently allocated to this task and we have scheduled it for OpenVPN 2.5.

comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by Antonio Quartulli

Owner: changed from Gert Döring to Antonio Quartulli

Hi guys,

I would like to finally present you the renovated VLAN code!
It is available for testing in my GitLab? repository (sorry - but I migrated away from GitHub? some time ago, after the M$ thing).

The URL is:
Branch: vlan

The code is based on the very latest master.
It has been restructured a bit, restyled a bit and the patches have been re-arranged big time to be easier to review, test and merge.

At this point, any test would be VERY welcome, so that we can confirm that the code is still working as expected.

The VLAN code is compiled in by default but can be taken out with the --disable-vlan-tagging config parameter.

Happy testing!

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by Gert Döring

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

And, lo and behold, it has been reviewed, tested, AND MERGED.

VLAN patches are now merged to git master.

commit 0328003b0e987de0b7b91c3e53c84604188d9421
commit d626fa179b215a12398051ffca25b43ecfc0ad60
commit e375a5ce555a66c8b6b2ac2869977e723a65982f
commit def3f32d216d16c3bf5a203a2162256203686a34
commit 1c57ea76a256330314d53999bce3e09644b420f9
commit a2b7230712dbc8cfab85d5bd59605f58fc5fe5f8
commit 99f28081477ca325a14b13c38abec2c9b619eb01

hooray :-)

It will materialize in 2.5, to be released "first half of 2020". No promises.

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