

Basic info

  • Time: Wednesday 22 May 2024 at 14:00 CEST (12:00 UTC)
  • Place: #openvpn-meeting channel on LiberaChat IRC network


Current topics

  • New: DCO-win update needed
    There was a responsible disclosure report made regarding DCO windows driver. Details are currently under embargo.
    A new Windows installer release will be made available shortly and details will be published then.
    This will be an I002 Windows installer release for 2.6.10.
  • New: server maintenance
    There was some downtime here and after looking into it, the conclusion is that the software is out-of-date and needs love.
    We were already planning to migrate to another wiki solution, so this has provided an impetus to accelerate this.
    mattock will do a PoC of wiki.js and outline and we will make a decision once those are up, and then go for it.
  • Updated: Security mailing list
    It was proposed to add df12k to the security mailing list. If no objections this will be done.
    No objections. He will be added.
  • Updated: forums topics
    rob0 and novaflash will work to get access and then find some time to look at solving the cloudflare related issue.
    Unfortunately the past weeks were difficult to find time - holidays and travel and such. Will find time and push this forward.
    Plan is to soon switch URLs so new forum is on and old forums is on archive address.
    - email confirmation on registration was suggested.
    - mod permissions, guide, hard or soft delete (chuck board?), what to do with GDPR, etc. (write it down and actually make it available to mods, maybe a hidden topic)
    - access for mods to logs so one can see what others did
  • Updated: mattock topics
    There is code waiting for review/merging but one of the reviewers is on vacation.
    Will in the meantime tackle the / wiki topic.
  • release openvpn 2.6.11
    It seems like it makes sense to do a 2.6.11 release after Windows tunnelcrack mitigations are merged.
    From the looks of it this isn't a major disruptive change so could be merged and released in 2.6.
    For the proposed Linux tunnelcrack mitigations, going for policy routing and such, it may need to go to 2.7 and it's quite a big change.
    Waiting for cron2 to do a review/merge pass on Windows tunnelcrack patch.
  • Tunnelcrack progress TunnelCrack community wiki article
    Status update on TunnelCrack mitigations:
    Windows, openvpn2: ready to merge. openvpn3: in code review.
    Linux, openvpn2: in progress. openvpn3: in progress.
    macOS: to be determined.
    iOS: to be determined.
    Android: not vulnerable.
  • DCO and Linux upstreaming, API change
    Upstreaming DCO to Linux is proceeding, it is in review stage at the moment.
    ordex will send a patchset v3 based on feedback received today.
    There will be an API change that makes it incompatible with the current implementation.
    A graceful solution to that was already discussed and in motion. giaan will be working on this.
    (in a nutshell, make OpenVPN understand old and new API, DKMS and kernel versions both will then use new API, then we drop old API)
  • donation collection
    From earlier exploration it is clear that setting up a legal entity is not worth the expense at this point. We're just starting out with donations.
    What we can do is start out with an existing company that can collect the money and puts it to good community use. ordex volunteers to take this on.
    There are some options to consider. There may be existing solutions that we want to consider.
    PayPal? seems overly expensive with all their fees.
    Stripe could be worth considering for credit card processing.
    GitHub? Sponsors was mentioned as a possible solution, this is worth investigating.
    Open Collective was also mentioned, that needs some investigating how that exactly would work for us.
  • OpenVPN community meetup 2024
    Naming: We decided to rename from 'Hackathon' to 'OpenVPN community meetup'. This has a more open spirit to it.
    Where: Karlsruhe, Germany. Meeting room location to be determined.
    When: At the moment tentatively set to 20-22 September 2024.
    Who: We'll do an open invitation to openvpn-devel mailing list, but also CC: specifically past attendees and people of interest.
    Shirts: There is plenty of time still to prepare a shirt design.
    There's a wiki page up now where we can coordinate:
  • website release process
    Waiting for faster way to update community downloads and security advisories on main site.
    Again postponed due to issues. Now planned for this week. We'll see.
  • Status of SBOM
    There was a discussion between MaxF and djpig and others.
    For OpenVPN2 / OpenVPN-NL, there is not much overlap, as OpenVPN2 doesn't ship much in terms of libraries, but OpenVPN-NL does.
    The interesting use-case for an SBOM is really the OpenVPN Windows GUI client.
  • status of trac/wiki
    No progress since last meeting.
    This will probably have to wait until "--dev null" is done
    Should have access controls so only approved members can edit.
  • OpenVPN 2.6 performance results.
    tests should cover: gre, ipsec, userland, dco
    linux, freebsd, windows
    requires time to be dedicated to doing this, when time available will do it
  • software code signing topic
    company switched EV code signing to cloudhsm, this is same cert type we use for driver signing, is also suitable for binary signing.
    in future we could possibly switch community to that same key. saves having to maintain 2 different keys.
    depends on how hard/easy it is to access company key signing thingee from community infrastructure.
    also no high priority at the moment, we have a working solution now.
  • Management interface documentation on main website will be updated with info from doc/management-notes.txt
    novaflash will pick this up at some point

Mattock topics

--dev null server testing

Latest status in ServerSideTestingImprovementPlan. Additional details in Current PoC code is available in mattock's "dev_null" branch. A good starting point is

Potential next steps:

  • Expand the test suite
  • Integrate into Buildbot (i.e. get to production)
  • Support multiple client versions (depends on Buildbot integration)

Git commit history needs to be cleaned up and there may be other small fixes / improvements here and there to be done:

  • Enable disabling the test suite (requires root so we can't run it by default)

Debian/Ubuntu snapshot publishing

  • In a previous meeting we agreed to publish snapshot Debian/Ubuntu packages on **
  • The tool to use to publish is aptly
  • aptly does not have direct support for running commands (e.g. rsync, scp) after publishing packages, e.g. to a local filesystem on the buildmaster
    • Option 1 (hacky): use inotifywait with rsync or scp to copy the published repo to
    • Option 2 (less hacky): use NFS to publish "directly" to
    • Both options require a fair amount of tinkering
  • Mattock moved this forward a bit at the buildbot end (get the files out from workers)
Last modified 4 months ago Last modified on 05/22/24 12:45:06