
Basic info

  • Time: Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 13:00 CEST (11:00 UTC)
  • Place: #openvpn-meeting channel on LiberaChat IRC network


Current topics

  • Updated: OpenVPN 2.6.7 release
    The 2.6.7 release was made last week on November 9th 2023.
    There was a segfault crash reported that points to double check buffer leak code.
    There was a mention of fragment 0 not working anymore (since 2.6.1). This was from documentation 12 years old. But we can still look into handling this case better.
    There was a question from glcox on whether copr can hold older versions as well to rollback to. There are of course always options like using for this or upstreaming to EPEL repos or such. But unfortunately copr has the limitation that it only can have one build. So there is no easy solution here with copr. The effort involved to get another solution is stopping us at this moment to implement a solution. dazo does mention that perhaps modules or streams for various versions on EPEL could be a solution. Ideally we'd have someone from EPEL repository to collaborate with.
  • New: OpenVPN 2.6.8 release
    There is a fix available for the crash in 2.6.7. We will put this into 2.6.8 and release soon.
    There are 2 patches from lev that will go in as well.
    Intention is to get this out this week (Friday likely).
  • New: donations for OpenVPN community
    There is currently no place to donate money to the community.
    The question is, do we want to allow donations? The answer is yes.
    We need to figure out how to deal with that legally, and what payment methods to accept and how.
    Probably credit card is a must. Maybe paypal as well. Bitcoin seems to encounter some resistance in the discussions.
    We definitely do not want the donation thing to be forced - have a mechanism to do it, but keep it out of the way.
    Random things yelled out (to investigate): legal entity? stripe? paypal? creditcard? open collective? github sponsors? linux foundation? sf conservancy?
  • Updated: Publish security assessment of OpenVPN2 codebase on main website.
    Expected to be published this week.
  • License amendment for OpenVPN2 to solve openssl/mbedtls licensing issues
    The OpenSSL James Bottomley stuff is resolved now.
    The --tls-export-cert feature needs to be removed by dazo and reimplemented by plaisthos.
    Then it is up to dazo to review things so we can work on finalizing this.
    One of the tasks is reviewing if remaining items are trivial patches, and maybe get legal advice on those if necessary.
    For new contributions the new license already applies so maxf is unblocked to implement mbedtls3 support on master.
    maxf mentioned he will look into how much work it is to backport mbedtls3 it to 2.6.'
  • OpenVPN community meetup 2024
    Naming: We decided to rename from 'Hackathon' to 'OpenVPN community meetup'. This has a more open spirit to it, as we want to encourage developers and those interested in contributing to feel welcome.
    Where: Karlsruhe, Germany. It is a relatively central location in Europe and is fairly easily reachable by train. A meeting location is yet to be arranged.
    When: At the moment tentatively set to 20-22 September 2024.
    Who: We'll do an open invitation to openvpn-devel mailing list, but also CC: specifically past attendees and people of interest.
    Shirts: There is plenty of time still to prepare a shirt design.
  • Website release process woes
    There is actual movement on this now, they're moving the Community Downloads content now to another CMS.
    They will also move Security Advisories to this other CMS as well so both can be updated independently from website updates.
  • openvpn release process topics
    there was a request in to have releases on github as well.
    djpig seems to think it would be fairly doable to copy/paste that info to github as well.
    we could do this during a next release.
  • OpenVPN 2.6 performance results.
    tests should cover: gre, ipsec, userland, dco
    linux, freebsd, windows
    requires time to be dedicated to doing this
    when time available will do it
  • security@… mailing list
    company is trying to get to soc2 compliance.
    probably will need a simple nda to be signed by recipients of emails to security@…
    company guy took standard nda we use for contractors, suggests to use that.
    novaflash thinks we should review that first to see if it's really suitable or not, community members are not contractors after all.
  • Another key signing topic
    company switched EV code signing to cloudhsm, this is same cert type we use for driver signing, is also suitable for binary signing.
    in future we could possibly switch community to that same key. saves having to maintain 2 different keys.
    depends on how hard/easy it is to access company key signing thingee from community infrastructure.
    also no high priority at the moment, we have a working solution now.
  • SBOM topic
    cron2 was asked if openvpn has a software bill of materials. answer was no.
    coincidentally, in openvpn inc a security requirement is to have an SBOM so this is on our list of things to do
    when we pick up this task we can coordinate on it.
  • Forums machine on community infrastructure is only non-Linux system.
    mattock made a new forums system that runs on rocky linux 8 as agreed with ecrist.
    ecrist has looked at it but the current state of the migration is unknown.
  • Management interface documentation on main website will be updated with info from doc/management-notes.txt
    novaflash will pick this up at some point
Last modified 6 months ago Last modified on 11/15/23 13:12:37