
Basic info

  • Time: Wednesday 01 March 2023 at 13:00 CET (12:00 UTC)
  • Place: #openvpn-meeting channel on LiberaChat IRC network


Current topics

  • Planning to have OpenVPN 2.6.1 around March 8th.
  • 2.6.1 planning
    are there any items still in progress intended for 2.6.1 release? yes
    will the DCO control channel changes be done? depends if it can pass tests on time.
    will --dns directive be ready? maybe, depends on how fast review/test/merge goes.
    is dynamic tlts-crypt ready? it's just waiting to be merged.
    plaisthos says compression patch dco + compression should go into 2.6.1.
  • DCO topics
    in theory DCO control changes should go out with 2.6.1.
    with 2.6.1 release DCO module will be renamed to ovpn-dco-v2.
    TCP notification missing under heavy load bug - this is resolved now.
    any other DCO topics?
  • License amendment for OpenVPN2 to solve openssl/mbedtls licensing issues
    a refined and approved by legal expert proposal for a license amendment was sent to mailing list.
    no reactions yet. we will have to contact the contributors one by one.
    dazo is working on this. maxf reports an okay to the license amendment.
  • Press release of 2.6
    currently waiting for release of a blog post by community on the main website regarding 2.6 release. expected this week.
    openvpn inc also wants to do their own real press release, it will probably be full of hyperbole.
    novaflash has been 'volunteered' for a quote. lovely.
  • Status of PoC using Gerrit for code review.
    gerrit proof of concept is online.
    ordex, uddr, df12k, plaisthos, are trying it out together, inviting others to join in testing.
    any blockers/issues/suggestions?
    basically, so far so good.
  • Website release process woes
    for the community downloads section some method is being worked on to provide fast update capability. website team promised 'before end of month' february.
    haven't seen anything yet, novaflash will check internally for an update.
  • 2.7 plans, if any?
    i know, very early. are there any features that we have in mind that will not make it into 2.6.*?
    signal handling respin
    take everything apart and rebuild, 2.6 is made of duct tape
    bloom filter ddos reflection protection.

Topics on standby

  • Forums machine on community infrastructure is only non-Linux system.
    mattock made a new forums system that runs on rocky linux 8 as agreed with ecrist.
    ecrist has looked at it but the current state of the migration is unknown.
  • Have to remember to update SupportedVersions to put 2.4 out of support at around end of March
  • OpenVPN 2.6 performance results.
    We should work on an article to publish some performance results when 2.6 is out as stable. but first press release.
  • Management interface documentation on main website will be updated with info from doc/management-notes.txt
    novaflash will pick this up again now that he is back.
  • IPv6 to community.
    No new information to report.
Last modified 19 months ago Last modified on 03/01/23 13:50:43