
Version 23 (modified by Samuli Seppänen, 12 years ago) (diff)


Project structure

Starting with OpenVPN 2.3-alpha2 the OpenVPN buildsystem has been separated from the OpenVPN codebase and hosted in a separate Git repository. The following description is adapted from here:

  • openvpn: a standard open source project, autotools-based build system and like any other project it's buildsystem only builds itself.
  • openvpn-build: a separate project to build openvpn in various of configurations. This project is divided into the following components:
    • generic: a generic build using cross compiler, included the complete dependencies.
    • msvc: a MSVC build using Microsoft specific msbuild system.
    • windows-nsis: the Windows installer generator that uses the generic component to build using mingw cross compiler, then package the output using NSIS.
  • tap-windows: the Windows TAP driver, which is also useful outside OpenVPN

NOTE: The original contents of this article were adapted from a number of Alon Bar-Lev's emails, who is the buildsystem's original author.

Building natively on *NIX

Building natively on *NIX has not changed much, you can still use roughly the same process as before. If building from Git sources, first do a

$ autoreconf -vi

If building from a release tarball, you can skip the above step. To configure, build and install OpenVPN, use these commands:

$ ./configure <configure-options>
$ make
$ make install

In most cases, you'd use something like this:

$ ./configure --enable-lzo

If you're using password authentication, you may be interested in support for password stored in (properly protected!) files:

$ ./configure --enable-lzo --enable-password-save

Or, if you want to use smart cards and such, you should use

$ ./configure --enable-lzo --enable-pkcs11

Cross-compiling on *NIX ("generic" buildsystem)

Installing prequisites

You can use the generic buildsystem from openvpn-build subproject to cross-compile OpenVPN using any toolchain to any target environment. The build host must have a *NIX-like environment, e.g. Linux, *BSD or Cygwin (on Windows). First make sure you have installed the correct tools before you start:

  • mingw-w64 (for building Windows binaries)
  • gcc-*-arm-linux-gnueabi (for building Arm binaries)

If you're building using Cygwin on Windows, it's best to configure Git not to translate LF to CR/LF. For this reason it's probably best to use Cygwin's Git. Also take a look at Cygwin's README to see which packages are required.

Checking out openvpn-build repository

Check out the openvpn-build subproject using Git:

$ git clone

Then go to the generic directory:

$ cd openvpn-build/generic

Customizing the build

To customize the build options, edit build.vars to your liking, for example:

# -*- mode: sh; -*-


# Formatted for Trac, place each to one line



CURL_OPTS="${CURL_OPTS:---progress-bar --verbose --remote-name}"
if [ -n "${DO_REALLY_STATIC}" ]; then
        export LDFLAGS="-Xcompiler -static"



If you want to use your own, local sources (e.g. for OpenSSL or OpenVPN), put them in sources directory, so that the generic buildsystem knows not to download them from a remote site. The cached tarballs will be used even if they're of a different version than what would be downloaded.

Building OpenVPN and it's dependencies

The ./build command fetches all the dependencies, builds them and builds OpenVPN. To build a native binary:

$ IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/image-native ./build

To build for Windows 32bit on Linux 64bit:

$ IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/image-win32 CHOST=i686-w64-mingw32 \
    CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./build

To build for Windows 64bit on Linux 64bit:

$ IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/image-win64 CHOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 \
    CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./build

To build for Arm on Linux 64bit:

$ IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/image-arm CHOST=arm-linux-gnueabi \
    CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./build

For typical OpenVPN installations you'll most likely want to use something like this:

$ DEP=location of the dependencies
$ ./configure host=... \
    CFLAGS="-I$DEP/include" LDFLAGS="-L$DEB/lib" \
    --enable-lzo --enable-pkcs11 \
    PKCS11_HELPER_CFLAGS=" " PKCS11_HELPER_LIBS="-lpkcs11-helper"

Building dependencies only

To build only dependencies (helpful for developers):

$ DO_ONLY_DEPS=1 IMAGEROOT=`pwd`/deps-win32 CHOST=i686-w64-mingw32 \
    CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ./build

Building natively on Windows using the MSVC toolchain ("msvc" buildsystem)

Installing prequisites

MSVC build was written with least dependencies in mind. You'll need only Perl and Visual Studio 2010.

Checking out openvpn-build repository

Launch a Git Bash and follow these instructions. Next go to the msvc directory using a Visual Studio prompt:

> cd openvpn-build/msvc

Customizing the build

The MSVC builds can be customized by creating a new file, build-env-local.bat which is loaded by build.bat. The variables defined in build-env-local.bat override the defaults given in build-env.bat. For example, you can manually define the location of dependencies:

set OPENVPN_DEPROOT=c:\Users\JohnDoe\openvpn-build\build-deps
set PKCS11H_HOME=%OPENVPN_DEPROOT%\pkcs11-helper-1.10

You can also configure the build to use a Git repository or tarball of your liking, for example:

set OPENVPN_GIT=git://

Building OpenVPN and it's dependencies

Normally you'd only need one command:

> build

This fetches all the dependencies, builds them and builds OpenVPN.

Building dependencies only

To build only dependencies (helpful for developers):

> set DO_ONLY_DEPS=true
> set TARGET=%cd%\deps
> build

Other capabilities

You can also launch Visual Studio with

> msvc-dev

Creating a NSIS installer

You can use the buildsystem to create the NSIS installer for Windows, it uses the generic build system then create the installer, and osslsigncode if you would like to sign binaries.

NSIS must be available on system. If installed not in path or standard location set MAKENSIS environment variable. Same goes for OSSLSIGNCODE.

First check out openvpn-build as described here. Then do the following:

$ cd openvpn-build/windows-nsis
$ ./build-complete

Refer to ./build-complete --help for more options.

NOTE: To make sure fresh tarballs are used, empty ../generic/sources directory before building.


Required software: Recent Windows DDK, NSIS.

First clone the tap-windows repository, e.g. using Git Bash:

$ git clone

Then build (using a Visual Studio prompt?):

> configure
> build

Customization can be done using config-local.m4 file which overrides variables, and environment variables which override auto detection code, for example DDK to specify DDK location, see

> configure --help

External links

Alon's Git repositories

Installers and files

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