Opened 13 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#188 closed Feature Wish (wontfix)

syslog facility config should be set in config file

Reported by: zux Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: release 2.4
Component: Configuration Version: OpenVPN 2.2.1 (Community Ed)
Severity: Not set (select this one, unless your'e a OpenVPN developer) Keywords: syslog facility
Cc: zux@…


the syslog facility config is set at compile time, it would be much easier if i could change it in config file.


Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Samuli Seppänen

This sounds reasonable, if it would be easy to implement. Developers: any opinions on whether this could go to 2.4?

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Gert Döring

Milestone: release 2.4

If someone does a patch, I think 2.4 is perfectly fine.

For 2.3, I'm more sceptical - translating syslog strings to the syslog(3) facility values needs a translation table, lookup, some systems might not have all the facilities the rest has, so it's not a one-line change and needs cross-platform testing.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by tlhackque

At least for POSIX systems, this is well-defined. But yes, it is not a 1-line change!

IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (and goes back to Issue 4, version 2)

syslog.h must define:

    Reserved for message generated by the system.
    Message generated by a process.
    Reserved for message generated by mail system.
    Reserved for message generated by news system.
    Reserved for message generated by UUCP system.
    Reserved for message generated by system daemon.
    Reserved for message generated by authorization daemon.
    Reserved for message generated by clock daemon.
    Reserved for message generated by printer system.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.
    Reserved for local use.

So, the following patch should be quite portable. However, it's only been tested on Debian Linux so far. Perhaps others can test on other platforms....

The patch allows a couple of other common facility codes if they are defined on the platform.

To specify a facility, simply add the desired facility name in [] anywhere in the name string of the --syslog or --daemon directive. This was chosen to avoid adding another option; it's backward compatible.

Also, it works with init scripts that use a config file name for the daemon name.

The default is whatever facility was used prior to the patch - e.g. 'daemon', but as before obeys LOG_OPENVPN if #defined.

An invalid facility name (e.g. []) will log all the facility names supported by the platform.


--syslog []

List supported facility names (and will start)

--daemon staff

Log as program 'staff', facility (probably 'daemon')

--daemon [local1]staff

Log as program 'staff', facility 'local1'

--syslog [local1]

Log as PACKAGE_NAME (usually openvpn), facility 'local1'

Given /etc/openvpn/[authpriv]staff-vpn, Debian Linux will start OpenVPN with:
--daemon ovpn-[authpriv]staff-vpn

Log as ovpn-staff-vpn, facility 'authpriv'

Before someone asks, the SYSLOG_NAMES conditional in <sys/syslog.h> on many systems is non-standard and includes some facility codes that are not valid for OpenVPN.


diff --git a/src/openvpn/error.c b/src/openvpn/error.c
index fd9f19d..284ee41 100644
--- a/src/openvpn/error.c
+++ b/src/openvpn/error.c
@@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ static bool machine_readable_output;   /* GLOBAL */
 /* Should timestamps be included on messages to stdout/stderr? */
 static bool suppress_timestamps; /* GLOBAL */

-/* The program name passed to syslog */
+/* The program name and facility passed to syslog */
 static char *pgmname_syslog;  /* GLOBAL */
+static int facility_syslog = LOG_OPENVPN;

 /* If non-null, messages should be written here (used for debugging only) */
@@ -447,8 +448,89 @@ open_syslog (const char *pgmname, bool stdio_to_null)
       if (!use_syslog)
-         pgmname_syslog = string_alloc (pgmname ? pgmname : PACKAGE, NULL);
-         openlog (pgmname_syslog, LOG_PID, LOG_OPENVPN);
+         int facility = facility_syslog;
+         char *pname = pgmname_syslog = string_alloc (pgmname ? pgmname : PACKAGE, NULL);
+         char *facb, *face;
+         /* Decode optional [facilityname] prefix */
+         if ((facb = strchr (pgmname_syslog, '[')) != NULL
+             && (face = strchr (pgmname_syslog, ']')) != NULL) {
+           static struct {
+             int code;
+             const char *const name;
+           } facnames[] = {
+             { LOG_AUTH, "auth" },
+#ifdef LOG_AUTHPRIV  /* Prefered (private), but non-POSIX */
+             { LOG_AUTHPRIV, "authpriv" },
+             { LOG_AUTH, "authpriv" }, /* Map to non-secure code */
+             { LOG_CRON, "cron" },
+             { LOG_DAEMON, "daemon" },
+#ifdef LOG_FTP
+             { LOG_FTP, "ftp" },
+             { LOG_LPR, "lpr" },
+             { LOG_MAIL, "mail" },
+             { LOG_NEWS, "news" },
+#ifdef LOG_SYSLOG
+             { LOG_SYSLOG, "syslog" },
+             { LOG_USER, "user" },
+#ifdef LOG_UUCP
+             { LOG_UUCP, "uucp" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL0, "local0" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL1, "local1" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL2, "local2" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL3, "local3" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL4, "local4" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL5, "local5" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL6, "local6" },
+             { LOG_LOCAL7, "local7" },
+             { 0, NULL },
+           }, *fac = facnames;
+           char *facname = malloc (face - facb); /* [name] => name\0 */
+           /* Extract facility name and remove from option string */
+           *face++ = '\0';
+           strcpy (facname, facb+1);
+           memmove (facb, face, strlen(face)+1);
+           /* Default program name */
+           if (!*pname)
+             pname = PACKAGE_NAME;
+           /* Lookup facility code by name */
+           while (fac->name) {
+             if (!strcmp (fac->name, facname)) {
+               facility = fac->code;
+               break;
+             }
+             fac++;
+           }
+           if (!fac->name) {
+             /* Not found, look for name of facility that will be used */
+             for (fac = facnames; fac->name; fac++) {
+               if (fac->code == facility) {
+                 break;
+               }
+             }
+             /* Warn, and list valid names (they are platform-dependent) */
+             msg (M_WARN, "syslog: %s is not a valid facility name, using %s", facname,
+                  (fac->name? fac->name : "default"));
+             for (fac = facnames; fac->name; fac++) {
+               msg (M_INFO, "syslog: %s facility is valid on this platform", fac->name);
+             }
+           }
+           free (facname);
+         }
+         openlog (pname, LOG_PID, facility);
          use_syslog = true;

          /* Better idea: somehow pipe stdout/stderr output to msg() */
diff --git a/src/openvpn/options.c b/src/openvpn/options.c
index 18cb354..4ccb138 100644
--- a/src/openvpn/options.c
+++ b/src/openvpn/options.c
@@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ static const char usage_message[] =
   "--daemon [name] : Become a daemon after initialization.\n"
   "                  The optional 'name' parameter will be passed\n"
   "                  as the program name to the system logger.\n"
+  "                  If the name includes [facility], the specified\n"
+  "                  syslog facility name will be used.\n"
   "--syslog [name] : Output to syslog, but do not become a daemon.\n"
   "                  See --daemon above for a description of the 'name' parm.\n"
   "--inetd [name] ['wait'|'nowait'] : Run as an inetd or xinetd server.\n"

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by tlhackque

Enhanced version of patch submitted to openvpn-devel.

Functionally the same, plus --syslog-facility cn be used as the more conventional way of specifying the desired facility.

Man page also updated in this rev, and some restructuring was done.

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by Samuli Seppänen

The patch on the ml seems to lack an ack or nack:

What do we want to do with it?

comment:6 Changed 2 years ago by Gert Döring

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

So the discussion went from "the current patch is not acceptable" to "how can it be improved" and then nothing ever happened again.

I am closing this ticket - there was not enough interest in the last 8 years to push this.

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