Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#1173 new Feature Wish

Enable ifconfig-pool in client-config-dir

Reported by: andre.esser Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: release 2.7
Component: Configuration Version: OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed)
Severity: Not set (select this one, unless your'e a OpenVPN developer) Keywords: client-config-dir ccd ifconfig-pool



I'd like to be able to create a small number of 'access-class' files in the client-config-dir, each containing an ifconfig-pool setting for a separate network. Then I would only have to create appropriate symlinks for my users to those 'access-class' files and wouldn't have to worry about assigning fixed IPs to individual users any more.



Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by plaisthos

This will probbly never happen. It is a bit obscure feature and the code changes to make this work are pretty big.

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by tct


comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by Gert Döring

Actually I want this as well :-) - two (or more) classes of users, with different access privileges $elsewhere, ACLed by subnet. So having different pools for different user classes is something I can see the need for.

Now... plaisthos is right that this is not trivial to implement, as the current code only supports a single IP pool, and to abstract this into multiple pools that can then be referenced is a bit complicated.

It might be interesting to look at this after @ordex' IPv6-only patches are merged, which rework the IP pool handling...

comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by krapula

I second the opinion that this would be useful. For larger scale deployment some mechanism for group/profile based settings would be very nice, as per user IP management is not feasible.

comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by Gert Döring

Milestone: release 2.6

This will not hit 2.5 (new feature freeze already) but might be possible for 2.6

comment:6 Changed 2 years ago by Gert Döring

Milestone: release 2.6release 2.7

2.6 is close to release, so not going to make that one.

Bumping the milestone to 2.7, so we can have a close look again.

comment:7 Changed 2 years ago by Gert Döring

see also #1419

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