
Version 27 (modified by Samuli Seppänen, 8 years ago) (diff)

Remove unsupported operating systems from apt repo list


Latest OpenVPN releases are also available in the OpenVPN project's apt repositories. This allow you to use more up-to-date version of OpenVPN than what's typically available in your distribution's repositories. Please note that all commands listed below have to be run as root, e.g. using sudo or su.

Stable releases built from official releases are only available for Debian and Ubuntu. This is so for two reasons:

  • Official Debian and Ubuntu repositories tend to have fairly old OpenVPN versions available
  • There are fairly up-to-date versions of OpenVPN releases available in places such as RepoForge (previously RPMForge) for RedHat derivatives. Also, Fedora typically has the latest upstream version in its repositories.

All packages are available in i386 and amd64/x86_64 flavours. Even if a package is built on a particular OS, it does not mean it won't work on older and/or newer versions of the same distro, or even on a different operating system. If you encountered any issues with the package, please file a new bug report.

Adding apt repository

We maintain several OpenVPN (OSS) software repositories. To setup the repositories you need to change to the root user. Typically this is done using sudo:

$ sudo -s

Then import the public GPG key that is used to sign the packages:

$ wget -O -|apt-key add -

Next you need to create a sources.list fragment (as root) so that apt can find the new OpenVPN packages:

$ echo "deb <osrelease> main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Where <osrelease> depends your distribution:

  • wheezy (Debian 7.x)
  • jessie (Debian 8.x)
  • precise (Ubuntu 12.04)
  • trusty (Ubuntu 14.04)
  • xenial (Ubuntu 16.04)

For example:

$ echo "deb wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/

Now you're set for installing OpenVPN. Note that packages built for older operating system releases might work just fine on newer release of the same operating system.

Installing OpenVPN

On Debian/Ubuntu use

$ apt-get update && apt-get install openvpn

Notes on expired keys

The original apt signing key expired on 4th Aug 2014, resulting in apt complaints when refreshing the package cache (e.g. apt-get update). To fix this remove the expired key from apt keychain:

$ apt-key del E158C569

Then add the new key using wget and apt-key as described above. Then verify that the new key is in the keychain:

$ apt-key list
--- snip ---
pub   2048R/E158C569 2011-08-03 [expires: 2017-08-04]
uid                  Samuli Seppänen (OpenVPN Technologies, Inc) <>
sub   2048R/F5699905 2011-08-03 [expires: 2017-08-04]
--- snip ---

Notes on old apt/yum repositories

The current incarnation of OpenVPN apt repositories is the third one. The first repositories were hosted on and the second ones on, a now discontinued server. The apt lines for the latter still work, but new OpenVPN releases (2.3.3 and later) will only be added to current repos. Unfortunately due to the complete restructuring of the apt repository structure it is not possible to cleanly migrate from the configuration to the configuration.