
Version 92 (modified by flichtenheld, 17 months ago) (diff)


Project structure

Look here for details.

Building natively on *NIX

If building from Git sources, first do a

$ autoreconf -vi

If building from a release tarball, you can skip the above step. To configure, build and install OpenVPN, use these commands:

$ ./configure <configure-options>
$ make
$ make install

In most cases, you'd use something like this:

$ ./configure

If you're using password authentication, you may be interested in support for password stored in (properly protected!) files:

$ ./configure --enable-password-save

Or, if you want to use smart cards and such, you should use

$ ./configure --enable-pkcs11

Cross-compiling on *NIX ("generic" subdir)

Removed, only MSVC builds are currently supported.

Creating a NSIS installer ("windows-nsis" subdir)

Removed, only MSI installer is currently supported.


SignTool is used to sign OpenVPN installer, libraries and executables.. Official OpenVPN releases will be signed with OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. code signing keys. However, it's fairly easy to build a custom version of OpenVPN and sign it with your own code-signing keys.

Making the release builds of OpenVPN

See Openvpn2ReleaseProcess.

External links

Official OpenVPN Git repositories

Attachments (1)

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