Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Topics-2024-05-29

05/29/24 12:32:53 (4 months ago)



  • Topics-2024-05-29

    v2 v3  
    1717  ''There was some downtime here and after looking into it, the conclusion is that the software is out-of-date and needs love.''\\
    1818  ''We were already planning to migrate to another wiki solution, so this has provided an impetus to accelerate this.''\\
    19   ''Expecting to hopefully see a PoC of wiki.js and outline and we will make a decision once those are up, and then go for it.''\\
     19  ''mattock will look into putting a PoC of wiki.js and outline after debian/ubuntu snapshot task is done.''\\
    21 * **release openvpn 2.6.11**\\
    22   ''It seems like it makes sense to do a 2.6.11 release after Windows tunnelcrack mitigations are merged.''\\
    23   ''From the looks of it this isn't a major disruptive change so could be merged and released in 2.6.''\\
     21* **Updated: release openvpn 2.6.11**\\
     22  ''Waiting to complete review/merge process of Windows tunnelcrack mitigations.''\\
    2423  ''For the proposed Linux tunnelcrack mitigations, going for policy routing and such, it may need to go to 2.7 and it's quite a big change.''\\
    25   ''Waiting for cron2 to do a review/merge pass on Windows tunnelcrack patch.''\\
     24  ''There's an item reported by reynir that we'll likely want to get into this release as well.''\\
    27 * **OpenVPN community meetup 2024**\\
    28   ''Naming: We decided to rename from 'Hackathon' to 'OpenVPN community meetup'. This has a more open spirit to it.''\\
    29   ''Where: Karlsruhe, Germany. Meeting room location to be determined.''\\
    30   ''When: At the moment tentatively set to 20-22 September 2024.''\\
    31   ''Who: We'll do an open invitation to openvpn-devel mailing list, but also CC: specifically past attendees and people of interest.''\\
    32   ''Shirts: There is plenty of time still to prepare a shirt design.''\\
     26* **Updated: OpenVPN community meetup 2024**\\
    3327  ''There's a wiki page up now where we can coordinate: ''\\
     28  ''We're basically at the point where we can prepare a mailing and send out invites to people.''\\
     29  ''Where: Karlsruhe, Germany. Exact details of meeting room to be determined.''\\
     30  ''When: Set to 20-22 September 2024.''\\
     31  ''Shirts: novaflash will talk to matt about this.''\\
    35 * **mattock topics**\\
     33* **Updated: mattock topics**\\
    3634  ''There is code waiting for review/merging but one of the reviewers is on vacation.''\\
    3735  ''Will in the meantime tackle the / wiki topic.''\\
     36  ''Wrapping up debian/ubuntu snapshot building. It already works but wants to clean things up and make a PR.''\\
    3938* **forums topics**\\