
Version 1 (modified by Antonio Quartulli, 7 years ago) (diff)


Basic info

  • Time: Wed 27th September 2017, 19:00 CEST (17:00 UTC)
  • Place: #openvpn-meeting channel on Freenode IRC network


  1. Anything pending for 2.4.4 release?
  2. tls-crypt-v2:
    1. avoid user fingerprinting: can we ensure the current spec will allow the introduction of a backward compatible fix?
  3. patchwork pending (help needed?)
  4. our release cycle (maybe something that should deepened during the hackathon):
    1. smooth patch review (our ML is crying a bit)
    2. better distinction of what goes into master and what not
    3. reduce time between major releases

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