= Development issues = * Alon's build system patch + splitting Windows TAP driver, Windows installer and easy-rsa into separate git trees. * Both issues discussed in detail in [http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_name=AANLkTin2N8TOJ9H%2BkDFVojiTaaG%2BAxM%2BdNc9xFM9XpuF%40mail.gmail.com this email thread] * Buildbot * Setting up a dedicated ''openvpn-builds'' mailinglist * Buildbot can generate a lot of traffic if several builds fail at once. We definitely don't want ''openvpn-devel'' (with to get flooded with these. * Some of the less important messages can be deactivated as necessary to reduce spam * Setting up a dedicated ''openvpn-commits'' list * Buildbot needs to know when a commit has been made so that it can trigger a build. There is a buildbot git hook available, but it can't be easily used with SF.net Git server. Also, there's no built-in RSS support which could be used to read SF.net Git commit RSS feed. * Probably the easiest solution to triggering builds is to setup a dedicated ''openvpn-commits'' mailinglist which buildbot can monitor and use to trigger builds. In case something goes wrong with the build, Buildbot can use the email to figure out the developer responsible for the broken patch and mail him privately ("blame" him in buildbot parlance). * Parsing ''openvpn-devel'' can be risky, as it's an open list. Somebody might misuse buildbot by simply sending mails which look like git commit mails. * SF.net mailinglists can be configured to be read-only and to accept mails from specific addresses (e.g. ''buildmaster@buildbot-server-address''). This means they're safe to use in this kind of configurations. * Could these two lists (''-builds'' and ''-commits'') be combined into one, e.g. ''openvpn-buildbot''? * Do we also want [http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/0.7.12/#IRC-Bot IRC notifications] to #openvpn-devel? * Windows builds * When will the next beta release be made? * Should ''mattock'' focus on Windows builds right after the above buildbot stuff?