Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TLSTripleHandshakeVulnerabilityAndOpenVPN

03/25/14 15:16:08 (10 years ago)
Samuli Seppänen



  • TLSTripleHandshakeVulnerabilityAndOpenVPN

    v1 v1  
     2Every now and then people ask about the "TLS Triple Handshake Vulnerability". OpenVPN is not affected, as is explained below (from [ this email thread]).
     5>> 1- Does OpenVPN use a lightweight SSL handshake upon automatic
     6> reconnection?
     8> No. OpenVPN does not initiate TLS session renegotiation or resumption.
     9> The renegotiation messages in OpenVPN connection logs relate to
     10> OpenVPN's data-session key renegotiations, which are not affected by
     11> this attack. For OpenVPN's control channel, it heavily depends on the
     12> underlying crypto library, either OpenSSL of PolarSSL.
     14> The OpenSSL builds of OpenVPN however might respond to session
     15> renegotiations initiated by a malicious server, I'm not completely
     16> sure on OpenSSL's behaviour. It is not clear to me whether a
     17> mitm-initiated renegotiation is enough to mount the secure-resumption
     18> attack.
     20> The PolarSSL builds of OpenVPN have session renegotiation disabled,
     21> and will not participate in session renegotiation at all. These are
     22> thus not affected.
     24My understanding, based on discussions with Dr. Stephen Henson of the
     25OpenSSL project, is that OpenVPN (when built with OpenSSL) is protected
     26from the Triple Handshake attack because we declare a verification
     27callback method that verifies the peer certificate.
     29The Triple Handshake attack can only succeed if the attacker is able to
     30force a mid-session certificate change that bypasses certificate and
     31identity verification on the client.
     33But because OpenVPN declares a verification callback:
     35SSL_CTX_set_verify (ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER |
     36SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, verify_callback);
     38and because the OpenVPN verification callback always returns a failure
     39status if peer certificate verification fails, it means that the attack
     40could only succeed if the attacker has a cert and private key already
     41trusted by the client, i.e. the server cert was signed by the CA
     42declared in the client config file, and trusted by other identity checks
     43required by the client config (such as tls-remote, remote-cert-tls,
     44ns-cert-type, etc.).  But if this were the case, then the client would
     45already be vulnerable to MiTM attacks, even in the absence of the Triple
     46Handshake attack.
     48So given that (a) the verify callback is always called on the client
     49when the server presents a certificate, and (b) the verify callback
     50cannot be bypassed by a mid-session certificate change operation
     51initiated by the server, I think we are safe for now.
     54>> 2- If so, when does OpenVPN do a full handshake vs. lightweight
     55> (abbreviated) handshake?
     57> See above.
     59OpenVPN doesn't rely on SSL/TLS renegotiation and always does a full
     60handshake from scratch when renegotiating.
     63>> 3- Does it renogotiate the master key upon reconnection?
     65> On any TLS errors reported by OpenSSL, OpenVPN shuts down the previous
     66> TLS session, and starts a new session from scratch. It relies on
     67> OpenSSL to do the master key renegotiation.