Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SettingUpGenericBuildsystem

02/28/13 10:01:05 (11 years ago)
Samuli Seppänen



  • SettingUpGenericBuildsystem

    v1 v1  
     1[[TOC(inline, depth=1)]]
     3= Introduction =
     5You can use the [wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem generic buildsystem] from [ openvpn-build subproject] to cross-compile OpenVPN using any toolchain to any target environment. The build host must have a *NIX-like environment, e.g. Linux, *BSD or Cygwin (on Windows).
     7= Generic instructions =
     9You need to install a bunch of tools before attempting a build:
     11 * [ mingw-w64], version 2.0.x, [wiki:InstallingMingwW64 may need backported patches] (if building Windows binaries)
     12 * gcc-*-arm-linux-gnueabi (if building Arm binaries)
     13 * [ Git]
     14 * [ man2html] (for ''windows-nsis'' builds)
     15 * [ dos2unix] (for ''windows-nsis'' builds)
     16 * [ NSIS]: if you need support for riducuously long PATHs, you need to [wiki::BuildingMakeNSIS build NSIS] yourself.
     17 * [ osslsigncode] ([wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem#Installingosslsigncode installation instructions])
     19= Build environment -specific instructions =
     21== Setting up Ubuntu 12.04 ==
     23On Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit) you the following commands should take care of everything except osslsigncode:
     26$ apt-get update
     27$ apt-get install git-core mingw-w64 gcc-4.6-arm-linux-gnueabi man2html dos2unix nsis unzip
     30== Ubuntu 12.10 ==
     32== Windows ==
     34If you're building using Cygwin on Windows, it's best to configure Git not to translate LF to CR/LF. For this reason it's probably best to use Cygwin's Git. Also take a look at Cygwin's README to see which packages are required.