[wiki:OpenVPN2013-week-21-summary Previous week] | [wiki:OpenVPN2013 Index] | [wiki:OpenVPN2013-week-23-summary Next week] = Interesting events = * None this week = New bugs/issues/tickets = * [ticket:299 Error in file checking with "chroot" option enabled] * [ticket:297 "Local Options String"/"Expected Remote Options String": keydir misleading] * [ticket:296 openvpn packages for Debian Wheezy] = Commits to the Git repo = * 1 Jun 2013 (Sat): * Arne Schwabe: Fix another #ifdef/#if P2MP_SERVER (0a48ae3) * 31 May 2013 (Fri): * Arne Schwabe: Move checking of script file access into set_user_script (e55681a) * Arne Schwabe: Move settings of user script into set_user_script function (9b6a502) * Arne Schwabe: Fix #ifdefs for P2MP_SERVER (1eb9a12) * 30 May 2013 (Thu): * Davide Brini: Provide more accurate warning message (3600996) * Arne Schwabe: Only print script warnings when a script is used. Remove stray mention of script-security system. (8476edb) * Gert Doering: Fix problem with UDP tunneling due to mishandled pktinfo structures. (8c431f9) * 27 May 2013 (Mon): * Gert Doering: Make push-peer-info visible in "normal" per-instance environment. (a8be737) = Ongoing development = * Adding snappy support in openvpn-build * Seems to work with shared libstdc++ and libgcc, but the former is too large (8MB) to be included as-is in Windows installers. Therefore these libraries need to be statically linked. * Adding PolarSSL connectivity tests to the buildslaves * OpenVPN-GUI NSI installer (details [wiki:OpenVPN2013-week-11-summary here]) * Getting the last SVN-only patches into Git "master" * Mattock's review of Trac tickets * OpenVPN 2.3.2 release, required mostly due to commit 0bcde52 (above). Will be out ''soonish'', not critical.