Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of MunichHackathon2014

11/14/14 10:20:09 (9 years ago)
Gert Döring



  • MunichHackathon2014

    v14 v15  
    6969 * hack on the 2.4 codebase - there's a number of "large" things we could try to tackle
    7070   * peer-id patch set (full support in 2.4, client-side support in 2.3)
    71    * openvpn interactive service
     71   * new data packet format proposed for AEAD and "null-compression"
     72   * fix compilation of "master" on windows
     73   * openvpn interactive service - get code in git tree
     74   * async plugin patch, inotify async auth patch (Lev)
    7275   * IPv6 gateway detection?
    7376 * work on open trac issues
    8891This is just a sort of unordered list of things we agree on, to avoid thoughts getting lost
    90 (Since the hackathon hasn't happened, I'm just listing things here that need coverage - a number of them already agreed last year, but not yet done)
    92 * --float with TLS HMAC / new packet format
    94 * OpenVPN 3
    96 * plan for the technical development of 2.4 and 3?
    97    * 2.4 (cron2): IPv6 enhancements
    98       * handle overlapping IPv6 server address and pushed IPv6 routes ("2001:608::/32 and server inside 2001:608::/32 -> recursive routing").  This is done for IPv4 but not IPv6 yet.  Ask OS for default gateway, install route to OpenVPN server to that gateway, then install pushed routes.  Cleanup on exit.
    99       * --block-ipv6 for mobile clients (blocking inside OpenVPN)
    101 * windows and the interactive service
    102    * end result: while not in full agreement on details, we'll go forward with what d12fk already has ("working code" trumps "perfect world").
    104 * packet format and alignment (James/--tls-float patch)
    105    * HMAC and encrypted data is not 32bit aligned today due to the opcode
    106    * propose to byte-swap the opcode with the last byte in the packet, so after swapping back the HMAC is 32bit aligned
    107    * can be done by sending IV_PROTO=<supported max version> by the client (server can then immediately turn it on) and pushing "wire-proto <x>" from the server to the client (and then the client can immediately turn it on)
    108    * slightly related: include session ID in the data packet, "if you feel like it might be needed"?  (to handle --float in TLS-mode without opening ourselves to UDP->HMAC CPU DoS)
    109    * "don't send it more than 1/second, don't send it unless you have heard from the server for more than <n> seconds"...
    110    * watch out for MTU jumps -> "set aside that amount of space even if not used"
    111    * TODO:
    112        * define opcodes for "wire-protocol 2" for "short/swapped mode" and "swapped mode with session id"
    113        * add "wire-protocol 2" to option.c etc
    114        * add push-peer-info IV_PROTO=2
    115        * add logic to server to read IV_PROTO and push "wire-protocol <x>" to the maximum supported by client and server