
Version 20 (modified by Heiko Hund, 11 years ago) (diff)


OpenVPN Hackathon 2013


This is organized by Gert Döring (cron2) and sponsored by Spacenet AG (

We have space for about 10 people in the conference room I have booked so far, so I'd limit this to "active developers that are also regularily contributing to #openvpn-devel or the mailing list". If there is overwhelming interest, I can get a larger room, but then the address listed below would change (still in Munich, but not as centrally located).

who is coming?

Name Topics Arrival Departure
Gert Döring no particular topics Fri morning-ish Sun, late night
Heiko Hund OpenVPN Windows Interactive Service
General OpenVPN for Windows architecture
Fri. ~15h Sun. ~18h
David Sommerseth Maintainer
Plug-in API
GUI on Linux
Fri, 15-ish Sun afternoon/evening
Arne Schwabe OpenVPN Dual Stack
OpenVPN for Android
Fri noo-ish Monday
Steffan Karger PolarSSL 1.3, elliptic curve crypto Friday noon-ish Sunday afternoon
Adriaan de Jong tbd, probably some PolarSSL/Elliptic curve work, open crypto trac tickets Friday Sunday
Samuli Seppänen Ticket review, CLA, OpenVPN 2.4/3.0, NSIS Friday 11:00Sunday 18:20
James Yonan OpenVPN 2.4/3.0 Thursday morning Monday morning


We'll meet in one of the office locations of Spacenet. The address is:

SpaceNet AG
Landsberger Strasse 155
80687 München (Munich)

see google maps. The entrance is in the upper left corner on the inside of the "#" formed building.

This location is easy to reach by car or by public transport (Tram from central station). Details will follow.


The hackathon will take place from Nov 15 (Friday), 2013 to Nov 17 (Sunday). The room is ours for the full 3 days, and I (cron2) will be there at Friday 09:30-ish. I have no confirmed arrival dates from anyone else yet...


I'll sponsor soft drinks and snacks, and the conference room. Depending on the number of people in the end, I'll sponsor a "Weisswurstfrühstück" for Sunday.

For lunch, there's lots of nice small restaurants in the area, so we'll find something better than in Brussels.

For dinner on Saturday we booked a table at Augustinerkeller for some serious Bavarianism.


So what is the goal of the Hackathon?

  • meet in person, talk about things
    • contributors agreement (CLA) for OpenVPN 3
    • future development of 2.x and 3.x
    • GPL violation on multiple apps on the play store
  • hack on the 2.4 codebase - there's a number of "large" things we could try to tackle
    • dual-stack patches
    • openvpn interactive service
  • work on open trac issues
    • lots of things to review and bugs to fix

I'm all open for additions here - I think the meetings in Brussels have shown that "just being able to sit together and hack" is a useful excercise. Add reasonable food, air condition, etc. and things should be even better.


of course there will be free WiFi? available, and for bandwidth junkies, wired Internet as well :-) - Spacenet is an Internet service provider, and that's one of their core locations, connected with multiple 10Gbit links to the world...


  • "Motel One Munich City West" has been recommended as "being close, reasonably priced, and generally OK"