Changes between Version 35 and Version 36 of HLKTesting

06/14/19 06:30:01 (5 years ago)
Samuli Seppänen



  • HLKTesting

    v35 v36  
    2262262c_Priority, Follow the directions for using tapdiag in this document.
    228 AddressChange, This will definitely fail on slower machines. It worked fine on 1 year old i7 systems.
    230229LinkCheck, You don't need tapdiag for this. You can just start and stop the service when running this to make the link start and stop per the instructions.
    272271Then when you go to schedule the multimachine test, you can change the “role” dropdown to the support machine, and select the support machine (should be there if you have two ready machines in the pool).
    274 == Tests that require a working network connection ==
    276 Some of the non-NDIS tests that require “a working network connection” can just be given a valid IPV6 address on the VPN network and they will be happy with that. Whenever you see the “WDTFREMOTESYSTEM” parameter when scheduling a test, set it to an IPv6 address the system can ping over the VPN link. This could be the ipv6 address of the “support” system, or it could be some other arbitrary system on the VPN.
    278 == Cable unplug test ==
    280 One of the HLK tests requires plugging/unplugging of the virtual cable. Use the [ tapdiag tool] to manipulate the link state when the test asks for it.
    282 == NDIS QoS test (2c_Priority) ==
     273Some of the non-NDIS tests that require “a working network connection” can just be given a valid IPV6 address on the VPN network and they will be happy with that. Whenever you see the “WDTFREMOTESYSTEM” parameter when scheduling a test, set it to an IPv6 address the system can ping over the VPN link. This could be the ipv6 address of the “support” system, or it could be some other arbitrary system on the VPN. This might not be necessary if the device under test has a working IPv6 gateway address that points to, say, support machine's tap adapter interface. But wearing belt and suspenders is not a bad idea when running HLK tests.
     275== NDISTest 6.0 - 2 Machine - 2c_Priority ==
    284277Use Tapdiag to enable 802.1Q on both machines before running the NDIS QoS test (2c_Priority), and use it to change link state on the test system for the LinkCheck (plug/unplug ethernet) test. Follow the interactive messagebox prompts, may need some delay after “reattaching” the cable.
    293286Note that the tapdiag configuration is runtime only – if you reboot the test machine, you will lose the 802.1Q state.
    295 == tap-windows6 device advertised link speed ==
    297 The "NDISTest 6.5 - [2 Machine] - E2EPerf" test seems to fail if the test adapter and the support adapter have different link speeds. This is visible from the logs of "Run NDISTest Client (no verifier)":
     288== NDISTest 6.5 - 2 Machine - AddressChange ==
     290This will definitely fail on slower machines. It worked fine on 1 year old i7 systems.
     292== NDISTest 6.5 - 2 Machine - E2EPerf ==
     294The "" test seems to fail if the test adapter and the support adapter have different link speeds. This is visible from the logs of "Run NDISTest Client (no verifier)":
    303300This is a problem if the support machine has an old tap-windows6 driver version that claims to be 100Mbps whereas the device under test ("DUT") is advertising itself as 1Gbps device. Resolve by installing the correct (1Gbps) tap-windows6 driver version to the support machine as well.
     302== Cable unplug test ==
     304One of the HLK tests requires plugging/unplugging of the virtual cable. Use the [ tapdiag tool] to manipulate the link state when the test asks for it.
    305306== Static Tools Logo test (optional) ==