
Version 34 (modified by tct, 2 years ago) (diff)



diff --git a/easyrsa3/easyrsa b/easyrsa3/easyrsa
index 812e8eb..66a43b4 100755
--- a/easyrsa3/easyrsa
+++ b/easyrsa3/easyrsa
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ current CA keypair. If you intended to start a new CA, run init-pki first."
-       # create the CA key using AES256
+       # Append password IO
        if [ ! $nopass ]; then
@@ -680,6 +680,98 @@ current CA keypair. If you intended to start a new CA, run init-pki first."
+       # verify_ssl_lib major version number
+       if verify_ssl_lib; then
+               case "$osslv_major" in
+                       1|3) : ;;
+                       *) die "build-ca ssl lib: $osslv_major"
+               esac
+       else
+               die "build-ca ssl lib: $osslv_major"
+       fi
+       # Generate the CA with AES256
+       case "$osslv_major" in
+       # => BEGIN SSL lib version
+       # BEGIN SSL V3
+       3)
+               # OSSL3 uses -noenc not -nodes
+               if [ -n "$nopass" ]; then
+                       noenc="-noenc"
+                       unset -v crypto_opts
+               else
+                       # Password file - This can be done cleaner
+                       cp "$out_key_pass_tmp" "${out_key_pass_tmp}.2"
+                       passin="-passin file:$out_key_pass_tmp"
+                       passout="-passout file:${out_key_pass_tmp}.2"
+                       crypto_opts="$passin $passout"
+               fi
+               case "$EASYRSA_ALGO" in
+               rsa)
+                       easyrsa_openssl req \
+                               -newkey "$EASYRSA_ALGO":"$EASYRSA_KEY_SIZE" \
+                               -keyout "$out_key_tmp" \
+                               -out "$out_file_tmp" \
+                               -utf8 ${noenc} \
+                               $opts $crypto_opts || \
+                                       die "Failed to build the CA"
+               ;;
+               ec)
+                       # EC params
+                       param_file="$(easyrsa_mktemp)"
+                       easyrsa_openssl ecparam -name "$EASYRSA_CURVE" > "$param_file"
+                       easyrsa_openssl req \
+                               -newkey "$EASYRSA_ALGO":"$param_file" \
+                               -keyout "$out_key_tmp" -out "$out_file_tmp" \
+                               -utf8 ${noenc} $opts $crypto_opts || \
+                                       die "Failed to build the CA"
+               ;;
+               ed)
+                       passin="-pass file:$out_key_pass_tmp"
+                       crypto_opts="$passin"
+                       case "$EASYRSA_CURVE" in
+                       ed25519)
+                               "$EASYRSA_OPENSSL" genpkey -algorithm ED25519 \
+                                       -out $out_key_tmp $crypto_opts \
+                                       ${EASYRSA_PASSOUT:+-pass "$EASYRSA_PASSOUT"} || \
+                                               die "Failed create CA private key"
+                       ;;
+                       ed448)
+                               "$EASYRSA_OPENSSL" genpkey -algorithm ED448 \
+                                       -out $out_key_tmp $crypto_opts \
+                                       ${EASYRSA_PASSOUT:+-pass "$EASYRSA_PASSOUT"} || \
+                                               die "Failed create CA private key"
+                       ;;
+                       *)
+                               die "Unknown curve: $EASYRSA_CURVE"
+                       esac
+                       # Pass files - This can be done cleaner
+                       passin="-passin file:$out_key_pass_tmp"
+                       passout="-passout file:${out_key_pass_tmp}.2"
+                       crypto_opts="$passin $passout"
+                       #shellcheck disable=SC2086
+                       easyrsa_openssl req ${noenc} -utf8 -new -key "$out_key_tmp" \
+                               -keyout "$out_key_tmp" -out "$out_file_tmp" $crypto_opts $opts \
+                               ${EASYRSA_PASSIN:+-passin "$EASYRSA_PASSIN"} || \
+                                       die "Failed to build the CA"
+               ;;
+               *)
+                       die "Unknown algorithm: $EASYRSA_ALGO"
+               esac
+       ;;
+       # END SSL V3
+       # BEGIN SSL V1
+       1)
        if [ "$EASYRSA_ALGO" = "rsa" ]; then
                #shellcheck disable=SC2086
                "$EASYRSA_OPENSSL" genrsa -out "$out_key_tmp" $crypto_opts ${EASYRSA_PASSOUT:+-passout "$EASYRSA_PASSOUT"} "$EASYRSA_ALGO_PARAMS" || \
@@ -704,9 +796,17 @@ current CA keypair. If you intended to start a new CA, run init-pki first."
        [ ! $nopass ] && [ -z "$EASYRSA_PASSIN" ] && crypto_opts="-passin file:$out_key_pass_tmp"
        #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-       easyrsa_openssl req -utf8 -new -key "$out_key_tmp" \
-               -keyout "$out_key_tmp" -out "$out_file_tmp" $crypto_opts $opts ${EASYRSA_PASSIN:+-passin "$EASYRSA_PASSIN"} || \
-               die "Failed to build the CA"
+       easyrsa_openssl req ${noenc} -utf8 -new -key "$out_key_tmp" \
+               -keyout "$out_key_tmp" -out "$out_file_tmp" $crypto_opts $opts \
+               ${EASYRSA_PASSIN:+-passin "$EASYRSA_PASSIN"} || \
+                       die "Failed to build the CA"
+       ;;
+       # END SSL V1
+       *) die "build-ca ssl lib: $osslv_major"
+       # => END SSL lib version
+       esac
        mv "$out_key_tmp" "$out_key"
        mv "$out_file_tmp" "$out_file"