
Version 10 (modified by tct, 2 years ago) (diff)


Expanding EasyRSA3 for OpenSSL3 compatibility


  • The idea is to translate each OpenSSL 1x command to its OpenSSL 3x equivalent.


  • The output folder /home/tct/git/easy-rsa/tct-fork/easyrsa3/pki/easy-rsa-*
    (Which is a temporary folder) has been replaced here with the term: /out-dir.
  • The input folder /home/tct/git/easy-rsa/tct-fork
    (Which is the location of easyrsa and the PKI) has been replaced here with the term: /in-dir.

RSA MODE: Openssl 1.x commands

Build CA build-ca nopass

Generate CA key - RSA

openssl genrsa -out /out-dir   2048

Sign request - RSA/EC/ED (All identical)

openssl req -config /out-dir -utf8 -new -key /out-dir -keyout /out-dir -out /out-dir -x509 -days 3650

Build Server build-server-full server nopass

Generate server key - RSA

openssl req -config /out-dir -utf8 -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /out-dir -out /out-dir -nodes -batch

Generate server request - RSA

openssl req -config /out-dir -in /in-dir/pki/reqs/server.req -noout

Sign server request - RSA

openssl ca -config /out-dir -utf8 -in /in-dir/easyrsa3/pki/reqs/server.req -out /out-dir -extfile /out-dir -days 825 -batch
  • Note: -extfile /out-dir is an input file from the /out-dir location.

Build Client build-client-full client nopass

Generate client key - RSA (Duplicate of server)

openssl req -config /out-dir -utf8 -new -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /out-dir -out /out-dir -nodes -batch

Generate client request - RSA (Duplicate of server)

openssl req -config /out-dir -in /in-dir/pki/reqs/client.req -noout

Sign client request - RSA (Duplicate of server)

openssl ca -config /out-dir -utf8 -in /in-dir/pki/reqs/client.req -out /out-dir -extfile /out-dir -days 825 -batch
  • Note: -extfile /out-dir is an input file from the /out-dir location.

Generate DH parameters gen-dh

openssl dhparam -out /in-dir/pki/dh.pem 2048

Generate CRL gen-crl

openssl ca -config /out-dir -utf8 -gencrl -out /out-dir

EC and ED modes (To be completed)

Generate CA key - EC

openssl ec -out /out-dir   2048

Generate CA key - ED

openssl genpkey -algorithm ED25519 -out /out-dir