Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of BuildingTapWindows

02/28/13 09:36:10 (11 years ago)
Samuli Seppänen

Migrated and edited content


  • BuildingTapWindows

    v1 v2  
    11= Introduction =
     3TAP-Windows is an [ OpenVPN subproject] in [ GitHub]. TAP-Windows is built on a Windows box, and the [wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem OpenVPN cross-compile buildsystem] takes care of embedding the produced TAP-Windows installer into the OpenVPN Windows installer.
     5= Setting up the Windows build computer =
     7First install a recent version of Windows DDK and [ NSIS].
     9Next clone the ''tap-windows'' repository, e.g. using ''Git Bash'':
     12$ git clone
     15Next you need to set some environment variables. For self-signed test certificates use something like this:
     18set CODESIGN_PKCS12=c:\Users\John\tap-windows\my-self-signed-certificate.p12
     19set CODESIGN_PASS=mypassphrase
     20set CODESIGN_ISTEST=yes
     23For paid-for software publisher certificates (SPC) you'd use something like this:
     26set CODESIGN_PKCS12="c:\Users\John\tap-windows\my-software-publisher-certificate.p12"
     27set CODESIGN_PASS=mypassphrase
     28set CODESIGN_ISTEST=no
     29set CODESIGN_CROSS="C:\Users\John\tap-windows\ca-cross-certificate.crt"
     33If you imported the kernel-mode code-signing certicate using Internet Explorer, you can use ''certmgr.exe'' to export it in PFX (=PKCS12) format. Just make sure to include the private key in the file and to give it a sufficiently strong password, which you then define using ''CODESIGN_PASS'' variable. The CA cross certificate can be obtained from your CA and most likely needs no modifications. The URL for the timestamping service is CA-specific, but trivial to locate.
     35= Building TAP-windows =
     37First you need to configure the tap-windows build to use these using a Visual Studio command prompt:
     40> configure
     43This copies the variables to ''tap-windows\config-env.bat'', which is included during build. All that's left is to build the tap-windows drivers:
     46> build
     49Further customization for MSVC can be done using ''config-local.m4'' file which overrides variables or with environment variables which override auto detection code. This can be used, for example, to specify a custom DDK location. For details, see
     52> configure --help
     55Finally, if you're generating an OpenVPN installer with the your modified TAP-Windows driver, put the TAP-Windows installer on a webserver and point the [wiki:BuildingUsingGenericBuildsystem OpenVPN cross-compile buildsystem] to it.