

This page lists all signing keys used for OpenVPN (OSS) and tap-windows releases, excluding the Debian packages.

You should not be looking at this page unless you've intentionally downloaded an old OpenVPN version. Instead, you should be looking at this page which also shows how to verify the signatures.

List of all signing keys

Here's a complete list of the GPG signing keys:

  • James Yonan's PGP key (for 1.5.0 -> 2.3_alpha1, key ID 1FBF51F3, fingerprint C699 B264 0C6D 404E 6454 A9AD 1D0B 4996 1FBF 51F3)
  • Samuli Seppänen's old PGP key (2.3_alpha2 and later, key ID 198D22A3, fingerprint 0330 0E11 FED1 6F59 715F 9996 C29D 97ED 198D 22A3)
  • Samuli Seppänen's new PGP key (2,3.15 Windows installers, 2.4.1, 2.4.2: key ID 40864578 , fingerprint 6D04 F8F1 B017 3111 F499 795E 2958 4D9F 4086 4578)
  • Security mailing list GPG key (2.3.15 tarballs, 2.3.16+, 2.4.3+, key ID 2F2B01E7, fingerprint F554 A368 7412 CFFE BDEF E0A3 12F5 F7B4 2F2B 01E7)

Note that James Yonan's PGP/GnuPG public key is also available in the archives for all OpenVPN mailing lists (such as here). Please note that the keys may contain more than one email address. For example Samuli's GPG key has both and addresses attached to it. Also note that key E158C569 you may find from public keyservers is only used for signing Debian packages.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 02/14/18 09:21:20