Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #603, comment 18

12/17/15 17:16:59 (9 years ago)
Selva Nair


  • Ticket #603, comment 18

    v1 v2  
    2 With more stress testing now I too can reporoduce the latency issue. No complete stalling that pplars reported, but the  ping latency sporadically shoots up to 1 or 2 seconds (from a nice 17 ms otherwise) and drops packets under heavy traffic with multiple connections. Checked only with 9.21.1. The latency spikes that valdikSS sees with 9.9.2 appears minor compared to this, so probably the tap6-windows7 combination has more issues --- well, I've seen a number of other windows 7 misbehavours (needs register-dns, buggy when ICS is enabled etc..)
     2With more stress testing now I too can reporoduce the latency issue. No complete stalling that pplars reported, but the  ping latency sporadically shoots up to 1 or 2 seconds (from a nice 17 ms otherwise) and drops packets under heavy traffic with multiple connections. Checked only with 9.21.1. The latency spikes that valdikSS sees with 9.9.2 appears minor compared to this, so probably the tap6-windows7 combination has more issues --- well, I've seen a number of other windows 7 misbehaviours (needs register-dns, buggy when ICS is enabled etc..)
    44Packet sniffing on the server side shows the pings are received and replied with no significant delay so its surely a client-side problem as pplars stated. To know whether the delay is between OpenVPN to tap or tap to kernel one has to correlate wireshark logs with OpenVPN logs at high verbosity which is hard work.. If any one has a TAP driver built with debug enabled that would help  -- not signed by an MS-blessed signtaure is ok.