Opened 3 years ago

Last modified 17 months ago

#1416 reopened Bug / Defect

BSOD on Windows 10 with OpenVPN 2.5.x

Reported by: kaplun Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Generic / unclassified Version: OpenVPN 2.5.1 (Community Ed)
Severity: Not set (select this one, unless your'e a OpenVPN developer) Keywords: BSOD
Cc: Gert Döring, plaisthos, stipa, SelvaNair


In OpenVPN 2.5.3 (but also reproducible in OpenVPN 2.5.1) we experienced this BSOD on Windows 10 when connection to server is attempted.

This has been reported by ProtonVPN users.

I attach sample of OpenVPN connection being used, and minidump.

Attachments (1) (6.7 KB) - added by kaplun 3 years ago.
Sample configuration

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (22)

Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Sample configuration

comment:1 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

I can't attach the Windows crash dump as it's larger that this trac filesize limits. So I have uploaded it on ProtonDrive?.

You can download it from:

comment:2 Changed 3 years ago by tct

You may want to check the details for --fast-io

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Replying to tincantech:

You may want to check the details for --fast-io

Mmh. --fast-io is not supported by Windows, according to the manual, so it's likely ignored.

In which way is it related to this crash?

Last edited 3 years ago by kaplun (previous) (diff)

comment:4 Changed 3 years ago by tct

It also says Experimental ...

It is not the sort of option ProtonVPN should be using for a live-service.

WRT Openvpn crashing, can you reliably reproduce the crash yourself ?

comment:5 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Nope unfortunately not. So far we had received some reports by different users.

We're trying to understand if it's related to conflict with some specific antivirus.

The user managed to reproduce crash both with ProtonVPN (which is wrapping OpenVPN 2.5.1) and with community OpenVPN 2.5.3.

comment:6 Changed 3 years ago by tct

Can you share your user support ticket with us here ?

Or have your user update this thread with client logs.
(Please ensure --verb 4 in the config)

Last edited 3 years ago by tct (previous) (diff)

comment:7 in reply to:  6 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Replying to tct:

Can you share your user support ticket with us here ?

Or have your user update this thread with client logs.
(Please ensure --verb 4 in the config)

We're going to check. Being ProtonVPN all about privacy it's a bit delicate. We're checking if we find some collaborative user willing to perform to further contribute to this.

comment:8 in reply to:  6 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Replying to tct:

Can you share your user support ticket with us here ?

Or have your user update this thread with client logs.
(Please ensure --verb 4 in the config)

do you have an email address where to send you the log of the user (I prefer not to share it on public page).

comment:9 Changed 3 years ago by tct

You can use tincantech at protonmail dot com

It is very easy to completely sanitize all personal data from an openvpn log file ..

comment:10 in reply to:  9 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Replying to tct:

You can use tincantech at protonmail dot com

It is very easy to completely sanitize all personal data from an openvpn log file ..

Thanks a lot! Sent.

comment:11 Changed 3 years ago by tct

I have carefully reviewed the log file and can verify that there is no personally identifiable data in it. With your permission, I would like to add the log here to this ticket, is that OK with you ?

Last edited 3 years ago by tct (previous) (diff)

comment:12 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun

Yes, indeed I think there should be no issue at this point.

comment:13 Changed 3 years ago by tct

Thanks - Log added:

2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=967753 DEPRECATED OPTION: --cipher set to 'AES-256-CBC' but missing in --data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM). Future OpenVPN version will ignore --cipher for cipher negotiations. Add 'AES-256-CBC' to --data-ciphers or change --cipher 'AES-256-CBC' to --data-ciphers-fallback 'AES-256-CBC' to silence this warning.
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=968700 Current Parameter Settings:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=968700   config = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969680   mode = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969680   show_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   show_digests = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   show_engines = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   genkey = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   genkey_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   connect_retry_max = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884 Connection profiles [0]:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   proto = udp
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   remote = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   remote_port = '4569'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=969884   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   fragment = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970184   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318 Connection profiles [1]:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   proto = udp
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   remote = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   remote_port = '443'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970318   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970569   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970606   fragment = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970675   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970834 Connection profiles [2]:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970834   proto = udp
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970834   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   remote = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   remote_port = '80'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970871   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   fragment = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953 Connection profiles [3]:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   proto = udp
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   remote = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   remote_port = '5060'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=970953   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971355   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   fragment = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971543 Connection profiles [4]:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   proto = udp
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   remote = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   remote_port = '1194'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   fragment = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674 Connection profiles END
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   remote_random = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   dev = 'tun'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   dev_node = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   topology = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   shaper = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   mtu_test = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   mlock = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   keepalive_ping = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   keepalive_timeout = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=971674   inactivity_timeout = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   ping_send_timeout = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   ping_rec_timeout = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   remap_sigusr1 = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   persist_tun = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   persist_key = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   passtos = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   username = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   cd_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   up_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   down_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   down_pre = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   up_restart = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   up_delay = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   daemon = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   inetd = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   log = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   machine_readable_output = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   nice = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   verbosity = 4
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   mute = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   gremlin = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   status_file_version = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   status_file_update_freq = 60
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   occ = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   rcvbuf = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   sndbuf = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972388   sockflags = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   fast_io = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   comp.alg = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   comp.flags = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_default_metric = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_noexec = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_delay = 5
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_delay_window = 30
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_delay_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_nopull = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   Pull filters:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874     ignore "route-method"
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_addr = ''
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_port = '25340'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_user_pass = 'stdin'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_log_history_cache = 250
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   management_flags = 6
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   key_direction = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   ciphername = 'AES-256-CBC'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   ncp_enabled = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   ncp_ciphers = 'AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:AES-256-CBC'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   authname = 'SHA512'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   keysize = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   engine = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   replay = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=972874   mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   replay_window = 64
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   replay_time = 15
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   test_crypto = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_server = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_client = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   ca_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   cert_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   priv_key_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   cryptoapi_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   cipher_list_tls13 = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_cert_profile = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   verify_x509_type = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   ns_cert_type = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 65535
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   remote_cert_eku = 'TLS Web Server Authentication'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   ssl_flags = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_timeout = 2
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   renegotiate_bytes = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   renegotiate_packets = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   renegotiate_seconds = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   handshake_window = 60
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   transition_window = 3600
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   single_session = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   push_peer_info = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_exit = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   tls_crypt_v2_metadata = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=973367   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_id = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_network =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_netmask =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_network_ipv6 = ::
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_bridge_ip =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_bridge_netmask =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_bridge_pool_start =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   server_bridge_pool_end =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_start =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_end =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   n_bcast_buf = 256
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   tcp_queue_limit = 64
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   real_hash_size = 256
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   virtual_hash_size = 256
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   tmp_dir = 'C:\Users\elias\AppData\Local\Temp\'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   push_ifconfig_local =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=974366   push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   enable_c2c = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   cf_max = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   cf_per = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   max_clients = 1024
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975364   max_routes_per_client = 256
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_token_generate = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_token_lifetime = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_token_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   vlan_tagging = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   vlan_accept = all
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   vlan_pvid = 1
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   client = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   pull = ENABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   auth_user_pass_file = 'stdin'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   show_net_up = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   route_method = 3
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   block_outside_dns = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   ip_win32_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   ip_win32_type = 3
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   dhcp_masq_offset = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   dhcp_lease_time = 31536000
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   tap_sleep = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   dhcp_options = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   dhcp_renew = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   dhcp_pre_release = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   domain = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   netbios_scope = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   netbios_node_type = 0
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508   disable_nbt = DISABLED
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508 OpenVPN 2.5.3 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Jun 17 2021
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508 Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=975508 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021, LZO 2.10
Enter Management Password:
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=976419 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2021-07-05 17:39:48 us=976419 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=452082 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=561763 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=561763 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=795317 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'echo all on'
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=797337 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 5'
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=799331 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'
2021-07-05 17:39:49 us=801303 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=161069 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'username "Auth" "REDACTED"'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=175369 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'password [...]'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=179306 NOTE: --fast-io is disabled since we are running on Windows
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=183309 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=183309 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=184292 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1653 D:1140 EF:110 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=184292 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625499637,RESOLVE,,,,,,
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1653 D:1450 EF:121 EB:411 ET:32 EL:3 ]
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1633,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,keydir 1,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1633,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,keydir 0,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-server'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 UDP link local: (not bound)
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=266853 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625499637,WAIT,,,,,,
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=334150 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625499637,AUTH,,,,,,
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=334150 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=bae084a3 bcc5e5dd
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 VERIFY OK: depth=2, C=CH, O=ProtonVPN AG, CN=ProtonVPN Root CA
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=CH, O=ProtonVPN AG, CN=ProtonVPN Intermediate CA 1
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 VERIFY KU OK
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 Validating certificate extended key usage
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 ++ Certificate has EKU (str), expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 ++ Certificate has EKU (oid), expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 VERIFY EKU OK
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=527692 VERIFY OK: depth=0,
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=593495 WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1633', remote='link-mtu 1634'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=593495 WARNING: 'comp-lzo' is present in remote config but missing in local config, remote='comp-lzo'
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=593495 Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, peer certificate: 4096 bit RSA, signature: RSA-SHA256
2021-07-05 17:40:37 us=593495 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
2021-07-05 17:40:38 us=607763 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625499638,GET_CONFIG,,,,,,
2021-07-05 17:40:38 us=607763 SENT CONTROL []: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
Last edited 3 years ago by tct (previous) (diff)

comment:14 Changed 3 years ago by tct

Cc: Gert Döring plaisthos stipa Selva Nair added

comment:15 Changed 3 years ago by tct

Cc: SelvaNair added; Selva Nair removed

comment:16 Changed 3 years ago by kaplun


The same user reported that that log is truncated due to the crash happening before flushing to disk. He managed to force writing all the log lines up to the crash.

2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=482406 DEPRECATED OPTION: --cipher set to 'AES-256-CBC' but missing in --data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM). Future OpenVPN version will ignore --cipher for cipher negotiations. Add 'AES-256-CBC' to --data-ciphers or change --cipher 'AES-256-CBC' to --data-ciphers-fallback 'AES-256-CBC' to silence this warning.
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=483403 Current Parameter Settings:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   config = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   mode = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   show_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   show_digests = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   show_engines = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   genkey = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   genkey_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   connect_retry_max = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400 Connection profiles [0]:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   proto = udp
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote_port = '4569'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   fragment = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400 Connection profiles [1]:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   proto = udp
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote_port = '443'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   fragment = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=484400   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397 Connection profiles [2]:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   proto = udp
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_port = '80'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   fragment = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397 Connection profiles [3]:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   proto = udp
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_port = '5060'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   fragment = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397 Connection profiles [4]:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   proto = udp
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_port = '1194'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_float = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_local = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   connect_timeout = 120
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu = 1500
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   fragment = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mssfix = 1450
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_auth_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397 Connection profiles END
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remote_random = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   dev = 'tun'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   dev_node = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   topology = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   shaper = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mtu_test = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   mlock = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   keepalive_ping = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   keepalive_timeout = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   inactivity_timeout = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ping_send_timeout = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ping_rec_timeout = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   remap_sigusr1 = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   persist_tun = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   persist_key = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   passtos = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   username = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   cd_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   up_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   down_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   down_pre = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   up_restart = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=485397   up_delay = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   daemon = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   inetd = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   log = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   machine_readable_output = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   nice = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   verbosity = 4
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   mute = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   gremlin = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   status_file_version = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   status_file_update_freq = 60
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   occ = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   rcvbuf = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   sndbuf = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   sockflags = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   fast_io = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   comp.alg = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   comp.flags = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_default_metric = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_noexec = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_delay = 5
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_delay_window = 30
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_delay_defined = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_nopull = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   Pull filters:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394     ignore "route-method"
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_addr = ''
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_port = '25340'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_user_pass = 'stdin'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_log_history_cache = 250
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   management_flags = 6
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   key_direction = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ciphername = 'AES-256-CBC'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ncp_enabled = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ncp_ciphers = 'AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM:AES-256-CBC'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   authname = 'SHA512'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   keysize = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   engine = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   replay = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   replay_window = 64
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   replay_time = 15
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   test_crypto = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_server = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_client = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ca_file = '[INLINE]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   cert_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   priv_key_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   cryptoapi_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   cipher_list_tls13 = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_cert_profile = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   verify_x509_type = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ns_cert_type = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 65535
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   remote_cert_eku = 'TLS Web Server Authentication'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   ssl_flags = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_timeout = 2
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   renegotiate_bytes = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   renegotiate_packets = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   renegotiate_seconds = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   handshake_window = 60
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   transition_window = 3600
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   single_session = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   push_peer_info = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_exit = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   tls_crypt_v2_metadata = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=486394   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_id = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_network =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_netmask =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_network_ipv6 = ::
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_bridge_ip =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_bridge_netmask =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_bridge_pool_start =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   server_bridge_pool_end =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_start =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_end =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   n_bcast_buf = 256
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   tcp_queue_limit = 64
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   real_hash_size = 256
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   virtual_hash_size = 256
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=487392   tmp_dir = 'C:\Users\[REDACTED]\AppData\Local\Temp\'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_local =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   enable_c2c = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   cf_max = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   cf_per = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   max_clients = 1024
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   max_routes_per_client = 256
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_token_generate = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_token_lifetime = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_token_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   vlan_tagging = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   vlan_accept = all
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   vlan_pvid = 1
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   client = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   pull = ENABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   auth_user_pass_file = 'stdin'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   show_net_up = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   route_method = 3
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   block_outside_dns = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   ip_win32_defined = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   ip_win32_type = 3
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   dhcp_masq_offset = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   dhcp_lease_time = 31536000
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   tap_sleep = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   dhcp_options = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   dhcp_renew = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   dhcp_pre_release = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   domain = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   netbios_scope = '[UNDEF]'
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   netbios_node_type = 0
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078   disable_nbt = DISABLED
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488078 OpenVPN 2.5.3 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Jun 17 2021
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488389 Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=488389 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1k  25 Mar 2021, LZO 2.10
Enter Management Password:
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=489873 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=490385 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2021-07-06 19:49:57 us=960092 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=70196 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=70196 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=316881 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'echo all on'
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=319834 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 5'
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=321868 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'
2021-07-06 19:49:58 us=323863 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=399383 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'username "Auth" "[REDACTED]"'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=418304 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'password [...]'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=426247 NOTE: --fast-io is disabled since we are running on Windows
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=443203 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=443203 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash 'SHA512' for HMAC authentication
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=445200 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1653 D:1140 EF:110 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=445200 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625593801,RESOLVE,,,,,,
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=499192 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1653 D:1450 EF:121 EB:411 ET:32 EL:3 ]
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=499192 Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1633,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,keydir 1,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-client'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=499192 Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tun,link-mtu 1633,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,keydir 0,cipher AES-256-CBC,auth SHA512,keysize 256,tls-auth,key-method 2,tls-server'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=500181 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=500181 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=500181 UDP link local: (not bound)
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=500181 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=500181 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625593801,WAIT,,,,,,
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=558715 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625593801,AUTH,,,,,,
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=558715 TLS: Initial packet from [AF_INET], sid=451b7990 605adc49
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=792385 VERIFY OK: depth=2, C=CH, O=ProtonVPN AG, CN=ProtonVPN Root CA
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 VERIFY OK: depth=1, C=CH, O=ProtonVPN AG, CN=ProtonVPN Intermediate CA 1
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 VERIFY KU OK
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 Validating certificate extended key usage
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 ++ Certificate has EKU (str), expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 ++ Certificate has EKU (oid), expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 ++ Certificate has EKU (str) TLS Web Server Authentication, expects TLS Web Server Authentication
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 VERIFY EKU OK
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=793128 VERIFY OK: depth=0,
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=879934 WARNING: 'link-mtu' is used inconsistently, local='link-mtu 1633', remote='link-mtu 1634'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=879934 WARNING: 'comp-lzo' is present in remote config but missing in local config, remote='comp-lzo'
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=879934 Control Channel: TLSv1.3, cipher TLSv1.3 TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, peer certificate: 4096 bit RSA, signature: RSA-SHA256
2021-07-06 19:50:01 us=879934 [] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=45263 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625593803,GET_CONFIG,,,,,,
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=46265 SENT CONTROL []: 'PUSH_REQUEST' (status=1)
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,dhcp-option DNS,sndbuf 524288,rcvbuf 524288,redirect-gateway def1,explicit-exit-notify,comp-lzo no,route-gateway,topology subnet,ping 10,ping-restart 60,socket-flags TCP_NODELAY,ifconfig,peer-id 655402,cipher AES-256-GCM'
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 OPTIONS IMPORT: timers and/or timeouts modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 OPTIONS IMPORT: explicit notify parm(s) modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 OPTIONS IMPORT: compression parms modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 OPTIONS IMPORT: --sndbuf/--rcvbuf options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->524288] S=[65536->524288]
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 OPTIONS IMPORT: --socket-flags option modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=54685 NOTE: setsockopt TCP_NODELAY=1 failed
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ifconfig/up options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: route options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: route-related options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: --ip-win32 and/or --dhcp-option options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: peer-id set
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: adjusting link_mtu to 1656
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 OPTIONS IMPORT: data channel crypto options modified
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 Data Channel: using negotiated cipher 'AES-256-GCM'
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1584 D:1450 EF:52 EB:411 ET:32 EL:3 ]
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 Outgoing Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 Incoming Data Channel: Cipher 'AES-256-GCM' initialized with 256 bit key
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=55204 interactive service msg_channel=580
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=60237 ROUTE_GATEWAY I=14 HWADDR=32:b5:e3:66:59:64
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=73668 open_tun
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=81659 tap-windows6 device [OpenVPN TAP-Windows6] opened
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=81659 TAP-Windows Driver Version 9.24
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=81659 TAP-Windows MTU=1500
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=84846 Set TAP-Windows TUN subnet mode network/local/netmask = [SUCCEEDED]
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=84993 Notified TAP-Windows driver to set a DHCP IP/netmask of on interface {835AF645-B9CD-49BB-AAA9-8C348F999CCC} [DHCP-serv:, lease-time: 31536000]
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=84993 DHCP option string: 06040a1a 0001
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=84993 Successful ARP Flush on interface [15] {835AF645-B9CD-49BB-AAA9-8C348F999CCC}
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=91486 do_ifconfig, ipv4=1, ipv6=0
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=92482 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1625593803,ASSIGN_IP,,,,,,
2021-07-06 19:50:03 us=92482 IPv4 MTU set to 1500 on interface 15 using service

comment:17 Changed 22 months ago by Gert Döring

I missed that I was CCed on this... must have been while trac did not send out mails :-(

Anyway. If windows BSODs, it's not OpenVPN's doing - that's an unprivileged process, which can not achieve that.

A bug in the driver (TAP6) could certainly cause all sorts of crashes, or interference between "helpful" antivirus and tap6. Are you shipping upstream tap6? What other "security" software is running on that system?

Does this happen with upstream 2.5.7 with upstream tap driver as well? What about wintun?

comment:18 Changed 17 months ago by Gert Döring

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

We can't help diagnosing anything if people are not talking to us.

Most important, it's not answered yet whether this also happens with OpenVPN-provided installers (including official tap-windows6) or only with ProtonVPN-provided installers - and since all these VPN providers never talk to us about stuff they change, there is not much we can do about it.

comment:19 Changed 17 months ago by Kaplun


I am sorry if I missed the question and never replied, but:
"these VPN providers never talk to us about stuff they change", I am human as you, and in the case of Proton, if we change something client side we do publish it upstream opensource on our GitHub? (and in case try to contribute change upstream).

For this specific bug, it happens with your native versions, not ours. And I can't provide you with any additional information, because it happened to a user downstream, and we already went to great extent to have the user to provide as much information as possible, but indeed after more than a year the user has well moved beyond.

So yeah, you can close it, as indeed we are not able to provide at this point additional information on how to reproduce beside what we managed to collect in the ticket.



Version 0, edited 17 months ago by Kaplun (next)

comment:20 Changed 17 months ago by Gert Döring

Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened

Sorry if I sounded overly grumpy. I've been going through trac tickets, and very many of them are "here's a problem, I'll never speak to you again" and also we've had poor experience with many VPN providers that do modified OpenVPN builds and people then complain to us about problems... and I overlooked that it also happened with "our" installers, so really not your fault. Sorry again.

This said, the OpenVPN log above sounds perfectly normal - it connects, it establishes a session, configures the interface "and ends" (due to crash).

These windows crashes are particularily frustrating, since it usually only happens to one person, or one machine, and it's totally unclear why ("antivirus software interfering with regular operation" is frequently seen...).

You do write about "users" in plural form, though - was there anything common, like a specific build of Win10, or a specific Antivirus software?

comment:21 Changed 17 months ago by Kaplun

Hi! Peace ✌️ I understand indeed how it can be frustrating.

I have uploaded originally all the information I managed to find out back then.

I will check with our Customer Support if we still have some reports of this in the wild.

If not, you might likely indeed close it as "can't reproduce" or similar.

Best regards,


Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.