{2} Active Tickets by Version (263 matches)

This report shows how to color results by priority, while grouping results by version.

Last modification time, description and reporter are included as hidden fields for useful RSS export.

Results (201 - 263 of 263)

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OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) (26 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#1078 opensolaris fails on tun restart Networking OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect Gert Döring assigned 07/12/18
#1084 net_gateway is only working for IPv4 IPv6 OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish Gert Döring new 08/12/18
#1085 --topology subnet is not ignore --dev tap mode Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect Gert Döring accepted 08/18/18
#1144 Update man page -> several invocations of tls-verify, one per cert of the chain Documentation OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish David Sommerseth assigned 12/04/18
#1147 token authentication issues Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect plaisthos assigned 12/10/18
#1149 ssl_verify_openssl.c: missing CRL errors cause omission of verify_cert() routine Certificates OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 12/13/18
#1155 openvpn_plugin_func_v3 version documentation disagrees with code plug-ins / plug-in API OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 01/18/19
#1161 --route-ipv6 does not recognize net_gateway or net_gateway-ipv6 IPv6 OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish Gert Döring new 02/24/19
#1173 Enable ifconfig-pool in client-config-dir Configuration OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 03/21/19
#1192 review CONFIGURE_DEFINES in config Building / Compiling OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 06/05/19
#1221 SOCKS proxy not working with UDP+IPv6 Networking OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect Gert Döring assigned 10/20/19
#1226 spurious failures with IPv6 over TAP on FreeBSD 12 (ND6_IFF_IFDISABLED) Networking OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect Gert Döring reopened 11/01/19
#1229 mingw builds: version number missing in LZO DLL Building / Compiling OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect Samuli Seppänen assigned 11/09/19
#1268 repository cosmetic bug Packaging OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect David Sommerseth assigned 04/02/20
#1297 feature wish: IPv6 subnet delegation Installation OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 06/27/20
#1298 feature wish: extend Linux VRF support to other OSes Networking OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 06/30/20
#1322 Use actual VPN gateway address to determine "default" route Networking OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish Gert Döring accepted 09/08/20
#1327 revisit msg() messagelevels, go away from "M_INFO for everything" Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 09/15/20
#1329 starting a server instance a second time (failing) messes up routing for the first instance Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 09/18/20
#1354 IV_HWADDR - test ipv6-only, document better Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 11/18/20
#1391 Commas in commonName conflict with status_open files like --ifconfig-pool-persist and --status Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 03/09/21
#1396 option restoration on SIGUSR1 is incomplete Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect plaisthos assigned 03/31/21
#1397 Fix OCC, get rid of OCC string rewriting Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect plaisthos assigned 04/02/21
#1403 retry logic is strange on hand-window fails Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 04/28/21
#1408 Error on client built with --disable-lzo: write to TUN/TAP : Unknown error (fd=-1,code=122) Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Feature Wish new 05/25/21
#1470 early startup message printing is all confusing Generic / unclassified OpenVPN git master branch (Community Ed) Bug / Defect new 07/21/22

(empty) (37 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Type Owner Status Created
#556 bind to multiple IPv4 and IPv6 addresses Networking Feature Wish Antonio Quartulli assigned 05/18/15
#721 tap-windows6: Implement option to disable source IP check of ARP requests tap-windows6 Patch submission Gert Döring new 08/16/16
#782 Expose connection info to up/down scripts via additional env variables Generic / unclassified Feature Wish new 12/02/16
#860 community.openvpn.net unreachable via SMTP Community services Bug / Defect Samuli Seppänen assigned 03/23/17
#901 Windows 10 starts a NON-admin cmd when using "Explorer > Start OpenVPN on this config file .." Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 06/06/17
#949 Forward Error Correction for OpenVPN Generic / unclassified TODO (General task list) new 10/20/17
#962 /etc/openvpn does not support symlinks anymore Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 11/29/17
#964 connection fails when VirtualBox is installed Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 12/07/17
#972 openvpn-gui does not show login/password window on "verb 30" Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 01/01/18
#973 restart network adapter leads to "AUTH_FAILED" Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 01/01/18
#1004 VPN routes stay intact when changed local network but can't reconnect to VPN from that new local network Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 01/29/18
#1018 OpenVPN Trademark violation by Mikrotik Generic / unclassified User question new 02/14/18
#1040 Same problem of #897 apollo lake cpu Crypto Bug / Defect Steffan Karger new 03/16/18
#1170 broken gmane links Community services Bug / Defect novaflash assigned 03/14/19
#1189 regarding unpriv-ip command Generic / unclassified Patch submission reopened 05/30/19
#1235 Tap-windows version is not updated on Wiki Community services Bug / Defect Samuli Seppänen assigned 11/26/19
#1269 tap-windows6: add an identifier to the inf file to make win7/win10 driver versions different tap-windows6 Bug / Defect Samuli Seppänen assigned 04/06/20
#1276 tray icon should bear some visual similarity to desktop icon Windows GUI Feature Wish Selva Nair new 04/23/20
#1283 BSoD on Windows in Bridged Mode Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 05/20/20
#1286 Add option for the filename with pkcs11 token pin (password) Generic / unclassified Feature Wish new 06/07/20
#1306 incorrect routes after relocation Networking User question new 07/21/20
#1310 --tls-crypt-v2-verify causes incorrect client connection status (Potential DDoS) Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 07/29/20
#1331 wintun does not support dhcp-option DOMAIN Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect stipa assigned 09/22/20
#1340 UDP reflection amplification attack Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect new 10/19/20
#1352 Support for proxy-protocol on server Access Server Feature Wish OpenVPN Inc. assigned 11/14/20
#1366 Allow TLS partial chains in OpenSSL Certificates Feature Wish new 12/13/20
#1399 Linux: configure custom routing table id in client OSS OpenVPN Clients Feature Wish Antonio Quartulli accepted 04/10/21
#1429 Fix Fedora Copr instructions in the OpenvpnSoftwareRepos doc Documentation Bug / Defect David Sommerseth assigned 10/12/21
#1449 management interface: make it fully IPv6 capable IPv6 Feature Wish Gert Döring new 02/07/22
#1450 env variable: make sure they all have IPv6 counterpart and document them IPv6 Feature Wish Gert Döring new 02/07/22
#1451 handle packets from [::] and [fe80:...] in tun-p2mp IPv6 Feature Wish Gert Döring new 02/07/22
#1457 removing incorrect route on exit Networking Bug / Defect Antonio Quartulli assigned 02/27/22
#1462 Windows installer (MSI): Uninstall "Time remaining" counts up not down Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect stipa assigned 04/07/22
#1463 Script security warnings - Revisit code and decide WARN or Note ? Generic / unclassified Bug / Defect reopened 04/19/22
#1478 Consider remove TLS 1.0/1.1, and recommend using TLS 1.3, if not possible for now, mark TLS 1.0/1.1 as insecure, remove TLS 1.0/1.1 in the future. Generic / unclassified Feature Wish plaisthos assigned 08/26/22
#1479 Add support of X448 and X25519 key exchange algorithm, and prefer using X448/X25519 Crypto Feature Wish plaisthos assigned 08/26/22
#1481 Please support `inactive` in `<connection>` Configuration Feature Wish new 10/29/22
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