1 | #Client |
2 | verb 3 |
3 | proto udp4 |
4 | port 1492 |
5 | remote n30.toine512.fr |
6 | #compress lz4 |
7 | compress |
8 | |
9 | #Authentication |
10 | tls-client |
11 | key antoine-laptop.key |
12 | cert antoine-laptop.crt |
13 | ca ca.crt |
14 | remote-cert-eku "TLS Web Server Authentication" |
15 | |
16 | #Chiffrement |
17 | ncp-ciphers "AES-256-GCM" |
18 | auth SHA512 #utilisé seulement pour tls-crypt |
19 | tls-crypt static.key |
20 | |
21 | #Configuration réseau |
22 | dev tun |
23 | topology subnet |
24 | pull |
25 | |
26 | link-mtu 1464 |
27 | script-security 2 |
28 | up 'set-mtu.bat' |
29 | |
30 | route vpn_gateway 999 #required to set the network "private" |