Ticket #538: work-around-for-bug538.patch

File work-around-for-bug538.patch, 676 bytes (added by Bjoern Voigt, 8 years ago)

Patch disables SystemD PIN prompt and enables fall-back to getpass()

  • openvpn-2.3.11/src/openvpn/console.c

    201201  ASSERT (capacity > 0);
    202202  input[0] = '\0';
    204 #ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD
     204/*#ifdef ENABLE_SYSTEMD
     205 * Temporary work-around for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90289
     206 * "no PIN prompt with PKCS11 when systemd is enabled"
     207 * Attention: work-around does not work in daemon mode
    205208  if (check_systemd_running ())
    206209    return get_console_input_systemd (prompt, echo, input, capacity);
    207 #endif
    209212#if defined(WIN32)
    210213  return get_console_input_win32 (prompt, echo, input, capacity);