
Version 25 (modified by Samuli Seppänen, 12 years ago) (diff)



OpenVPN project uses Buildbot to help increase code quality. Buildbot is a Python application that can work in either master or slave mode. The buildmaster is the core server which accepts connections from buildslaves and tells them what they should do. Typically the clients fetch latest sources and report any build problems to buildbot which in turn informs developers via email. In software engineering this is called Continous integration and helps prevent build problems go unnoticed for extended time periods. The clients (buildslaves) can and should run on a variety of hardware / OS platforms. For the server (buildmaster) the OS choice is largely irrelevant.

As buildbot is a general-purpose (build) automation tool, it can also be used to automatically build packages for each buildslave architecture and then push them to a central repository for users to download. However, this adds significant amount of complexity and is prone to breakage. Therefore other means are used now to provide snapshots. It would be fairly easy to integrate additional code checking tools (e.g. valgrind) into the build process.

As the number of buildslaves can easily get out of hand, the OpenVPN project can make use of your help - see below for details.

Buildbot is described in more detail in the Buildbot manual.

Setting up the VPN connection

Our buildbot (buildmaster) is protected by OpenVPN. To connect your buildslave to it you need:

  1. Active OpenVPN community services user account
  2. Properly configured OpenVPN client
  3. Membership in the appropriate LDAP group
  4. Certificate authority (CA) key for the VPN
  5. TLS-auth (TA) key for the VPN

You need to do 1. yourself. The rest will be taken care of for the most part by Samuli, our community manager at He can also be reached at #openvpn and #openvpn-devel channels as "mattock".

Setting up a buildslave


Setting up a buildslave requires a few steps:

  1. Make sure you can build OpenVPN manually
  2. Install buildbot's requirements
  3. Download and install buildbot
  4. Configure buildslave (ask for instructions from samuli)

More details are available in the buildbot manual.

Installing buildbot

Installing buildbot using easy_install

Probably easiest way is to install buildbot is by using easy_install: it should be available your OS'es software repository. Using easy_install will keep buildslave isolated from your OS'es package management and take care of dependencies for you. It is easiest (but not necessary) to run easy_install as root:

First switch to root account, e.g. using sudo or su:

$ sudo -s

Next test that easy_install should work as expected:

$ easy_install -n buildbot==0.7.12

If all went well, install buildbot for real:

$ easy_install buildbot==0.7.12

Once buildslave is installed you can and should switch to an ordinary user account.

Configuring the buildslave

Buildslave configuration is covered thoroughly in the the buildbot manual.

List of existing buildslaves

Here's a comprehensive list of Buildslaves already running (as of Sep 2011). There can be several buildslaves that have the same OS/architecture combination, but this is seldom necessary.

Operating systemVersionArchitecture24/7Connection testsProvided byNotes
Debian5 (lenny)amd64YesNomattock
Debian6 (squeeze)i386YesNomattock
FreeBSD7.4amd64YesNo(t yet)cron2ongoing
FreeBSD8.2amd64YesNo(t yet)cron2
FreeBSD9.0amd64YesNo(t yet)cron2
OpenBSD4.9i386YesNo(t yet)cron2
NetBSD5.1amd64YesNo(t yet)cron2

List of build permutations

At the moment (Sep 2011) each buildslave builds OpenVPN using all unique combinations of the following:

  • Branches:
    • "master" branch from openvpn.git
  • Build flags:
    • --disable-crypto
    • --disable-ssl
    • --disable-lzo
    • --disable-management


In case your build fails, try running the same build steps manually to see what the problem is.

Source checkout

Full checkouts do the following:

$ git init
$ git fetch -t git:// +master
$ git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
$ git branch -M master