= Introduction = This page includes plans and missing parts for 2.3 releases starting from 2.3-alpha2. = 2.3-alpha2 = A few patches are still missing from this release: * https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn/tree/build * https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn/tree/unicode * https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn/tree/plugins2 * https://github.com/alonbl/openvpn/tree/syshead * "I think it is important to add the syshead to 2.3, trivial changes which will make our life easier." = 2.3-rc = This release should not see any major code/behavioral modifications. List of tasks: * Ask Coverity to update their OpenVPN source tree and fix any problems the Coverity Scan (static analysis) finds = 2.3-release = List of tasks: * Get separate Windows code-signing keys for the OSS project * Get James' signatures to community members' GPG keys * Integrate connectivity tests to buildslaves