= Introduction = This page contains developer documentation that is useful, but rarely needed. = Converting SVN revisions to Git patches = There's a Python script available that converts SVN revisions into patches ''git am'' can understand: * http://blog.repl.ca/2009/06/converting-svn-commits-to-git-patches.html To use this script, copy it into the SVN repository root as ''svnrev2git.py''. Then create an authors file using this format: {{{ svnusername, firstname lastname, email }}} For example: {{{ johndoe, John Doe, john.doe@domain.com }}} To use the script, call it like this: {{{ $ python svnrev2git.py authors $ python svnrev2git.py authors - }}} For example: {{{ $ python svnrev2git.py authors 8126 $ python svnrev2git.py authors 8126-8225 $ for REV in 8206 8212 8219 8225; do python svnrev2git.py authors $REV;done }}} Note that the script is slow in processing long revision ranges: it's usually a better idea to pick the required revisions by hand. = Poor-man's Symdiff = Andj came up with a clever script in [http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.network.openvpn.devel/4869 an IRC meeting] to generate diffs that make reviewing refactoring patches easier: {{{ #!/bin/bash git diff $1 $2 >/tmp/difftmp123.txt cat /tmp/difftmp123.txt |grep "^-" |sed s/^-// >/tmp/removed123.txt cat /tmp/difftmp123.txt |grep "^+" |sed s/^+// >/tmp/added123.txt diff /tmp/removed123.txt /tmp/added123.txt -u }}} This is similar to [http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/symdiff Symdiff].